new re-examination application?

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #161873

    The last NTS I bought (before today) was AUD around 8/31 and I basically just typed in my name and credit card and hit send. I bought one for REG today and OMG. I had to put in my GPA, credit hours, dates of school, date I took my last accounting class….I literally had to try three different passwords to get in my college’s online system so I could look up the info. This is crazy! Do you know if we have to do this every time, or if the information just didn’t carry over from the old system? Did anyone else have this experience?

    AUD: 92 (10/2011)
    BEC: 82 (7/2011)
    FAR: 55 (8/2010); 88 (8/2011)
    REG: 62 (8/2009); 87 (1/7/12)

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  • #300447

    forgot to mention that i DID import my scores and they did show up correctly

    AUD: 92 (10/2011)
    BEC: 82 (7/2011)
    FAR: 55 (8/2010); 88 (8/2011)
    REG: 62 (8/2009); 87 (1/7/12)


    There's another thread called “New NASBA online application” where some of us were venting frustration over the new system. It appears you're not the only one experiencing some difficulty with it 🙁 When I called NASBA, on the recording they apologized for glitches, etc. due to the new online system…


    Thanks for the heads up. I looked for another thread but was unsuccessful. On the bright side, I got my NTS today by some miracle so I guess I put everything in correctly (I was afraid I'd get something wrong and it would not match my original application or something).

    AUD: 92 (10/2011)
    BEC: 82 (7/2011)
    FAR: 55 (8/2010); 88 (8/2011)
    REG: 62 (8/2009); 87 (1/7/12)


    Good for you!

    By the way, the thread I mentioned is towards the top of the first page and was last commented by Peanut around 45 minutes ago…

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