Need to pass Audit and BEC before Feb 28th

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  • #190693

    Okay so I recently took Audit in Q3, scored a 71 (yuck–>and my computer crashed in the middle of the 3rd testlet but I figured it takes too much time and money to get a review) and I just received my score for BEC (74…seriously). I lose REG on Feb 28th if I don’t pass these two but was really hoping to pass them before February 1st and it gets too busy at work. Any advice on which one I should tackle first and how. I already started restudying for audit so I thought it made sense to take that one first.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, I’m so done with this exam!


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  • #627305

    I haven't had any experience with BEC yet (taking in late Jan) but since you're short on time and BEC was your latest exam, I'd study that first and take it within the first week of January (probably the 1st or 2nd due to time) and then hammer out AUD to take right before Feb 1st. I wouldn't waste time with a lot of book reading. If you have ninja notes, read those as well as do Ninja MCQ until you're absolutely sick of them and then do more. I did both AUD and REG this way in Q4 and it paid off. It will suck and as long you really bust your butt, you can do it.

    FAR 8/18/2014--87
    AUD 10/18/2014--78
    REG 11/24/2014--76
    BEC 2/28/2015--76

    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough"-Albert Einstein

    Study Mats: Cpaexcel study text and EQ, Ninja MCQ, Ninja notes

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