Need Information on Transferring CPA Exam Scores from MI to New York.

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  • #191267

    I have passed Audit and BEC and I am about to start studying for FAR. I recently accepted a job in NYC and I want to know the steps I have to take to transfer my scores/ if it is possible to do so. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    AUD- 22, Just missed it...maybe next time!
    REG- 14, so close!!!

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  • #637567

    Check out NASBA's website at:

    See the right-hand side links for “Transfering into NY.”

    For any MI info – just click on the “CPA Exam” and find your state in the: Home > CPA Exam > New York links at the top of the page. Hope this helps!

    BEC - ✔ REG - ✔ AUD - ✔ FAR - ✔

    Becker + NINJA MQCs for FAR

    Licensed January 2015



    My best advice would be call NASBA-NY and ask. You will also wan to call NYSED if you had file for initial license in MI already. NASBA and NYSED have diffident rules and regulations, you might get different answers.

    In general, NY's customer services are very nice if you are nice to them. (Especially in early morning.) If you write them an e-mail, they will get back to you within couple hours (if they are not busy) and 1 days (if they are very busy).

    No one wants to call them in New Year, so you should call them!

    New York - NYC
    Passed CPA Exam (11/2014)
    In search for a position in NYC that will fulfills the license requirement.

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