Need 1 course to qualify for the CPA – which online school should I use?

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  • #164784

    I graduated in May and am now working full time. I graduated with accounting as 1 of my degrees however ended up taking 1 class less than what is needed due to time constraints.

    I’ve taken advanced accounting courses (pension accounting, etc.), concepts in taxation, managerial accounting, and audit, along with plenty of intro accounting, an ethics course, etc. I plan to take another class in tax online and need a school to take it.

    The one that immediately came to my mind is Phoenix, and the CPA guidelines allow it because it is accredited. In reality, their course is 5 weeks long and I’m hearing that the knowledge gained will likely be minimal and just enough to remain accredited. Is this what others have experienced, and if so, do you have any recommendations on where to take a class from an online accredited school?

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  • #408978

    I would go for cost. If you decide to go for University of Phoenix – try not to do this online. It's very expensive. A 500-level accounting course is 6-weeks; however, thousands of dollars. They also require working in teams and doing team assignments, which is a large part of your grade.

    AUD - Passed:)
    FAR - Passed:)
    REG - Retake TBD
    BEC - Missed by 3 points Retake TBD


    Local community college. Got all my accounting units this way, most online.


    I recommend a local community college as well. I used Santa Monica College. Worked out great and very cheap. If I recall correctly I think the book itself was more expensive than the class. I also used UCLA Extension but only because I was in a bind and wanted to complete the required units as quickly as possible.


    I took my courses using local community colleges too. Don't take expensive classes, just go cheap. As long as they're accredited.

    I saw Penn Foster College is pretty reasonable on tuition, but not sure how states see it. It is accredited but I'm not sure if it is by the right group.


    I would definitely go the community college route.The university I used for most of my accounting hours didn't have online accounting classes, which unfortunately, due to a time constraint for attaining all my hours in my state, I was forced to do an online class. I used University of Phoenix, which as Yvonne said is very expensive. It was the one and only Audit class I took and I felt like I didn't learn much. Not money well spent at all.


    I took a few courses online through Chadron State College, Peru State College, and Columbia College in Missouri. These were accredited schools and all were very reasonable as far as tuition.

    REG - 79
    BEC - 75
    AUD - 84
    FAR - 75
    Done...Thank you Wiley Books, Wiley Test Bank, and the NINJA Notes


    If you can do the community college route that is the best way to go. If you can't do live classes (like for me, the cost and time of being away from my kids more than I already am was prohibitive) and MUST do online, I can't speak highly enough of Southern New Hampshire University ( Did both my undergrad and my grad classes there and I really got a lot out of it.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    LSU online.

    FAR: 7/17/10 missed exam FML reschedule 8/29/10-77 EPIC!
    REG: 5/31/11-73 SMH, 8/31/11-85
    BEC: 4/15/10-72 : retake 10/3/10-80
    AUD: 11/28/10-74, 02/27/11-71 FML, 8/1/11-80
    Ethics 10/22/22-80, retake 11/28/11 - 88


    Liberty University is a good option if you are former military or the spouse/dependent of current or former military. They have a *very* generous discount for those who qualify. Otherwise it is about $1500 per class (military discount is half of that.)

    REG - 89
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 87
    AUD - 81
    Used CPAexcel, Wiley Online Practice, and NINJA!


    I also recommend Chadron, Peru, and Wayne State College all Nebraska schools…very reasonably priced and with excellent professors.

    Class of 2012

    See Pee A

    I had many friends who used the Becker/Keller (DeVry) review course for credit. FAR is 3 hrs, REG/AUD are 2 hrs, and BEC was 2 hrs but doesn't count toward your accounting credits since “there is no business accounting class”. I had many friends who did just one and others who did all of them to get their credits if they weren't doing their masters in order to get their 30 accounting credits.

    These courses are expensive though and I would probably recommend taking them at a community college if they are cheaper. It really comes down to cost, I only did this since it was the only one I was familiar with AND they offer you the option of doing it online which lets you set your own schedule and gives you lots of flexibility. Good luck!

    BEC 86 (08/30/11)
    FAR 84 (10/13/11)
    REG 88 (11/08/11)
    AUD 86 (11/29/11)

    Exam prep - Becker self-study


    Thank you all very much for the responses. I'm going to go to a community college and check on class times – that could work very well for me.


    I was going to suggest LSU online/distance learning as well. One class would be about $375 and very easy to enroll. You do have to take the exams in person and have them proctored so consider that in your research.


    I had 3 classes needed at the end to qualify, and went to a community college and took “CLEP” tests, I studied for 4-6 weeks, the cost was $75 a test. The tests are pass/fail, you need a 70 to pass. If you fail, nothing goes on your record. The appear on your transcripts as if you took the entire course at the college. Study materials I used were the recommended textbook for the classes which I checked out from the library.

    Good luck!

    AUD - Jan 9,13 Pass
    REG - Aug 30,13 Pass
    BEC - Oct 26,13 Pass
    FAR - Dec 4,13 Pass

    Licensed CPA in the state of Oregon


    I'm in the same boat, but I need 6 credits of upper level accounting. I'm taking IFRS at the local university (kind of expensive plus a long drive) and I'll be hopefully admitted to Chadron State College (online) and take Managerial Accounting (excellent price). I'm also taking three random classes at the local community college (5 minute drive, excellent price). ;). I wanted to continue with my Macc, but I need to find another job where they reimburse tuition costs :(..

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