NASBA said they don't cancel NTS, new for 2016 or just bad customer rep?

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  • #200301

    I previously read at least a few times on this site that you can call NASBA and they will cancel and NTS if you want to…and easily. Or so I thought.

    I just spoke to someone who said you either have to sit for the exam or wait for it to expire before you can cancel it. Is this true? I got the same rep twice; the first time I called he transferred me to someone who wasn’t even in the office and had to leave a message.

    Any guidance with this issue? Thanks.

    AUD -73, 82
    REG - 65, 71, 79
    BEC - 83

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  • Author
  • #759259

    Are you rescheduling an exam??

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    Short answer is yes.

    I had two sections on my NTS and I found out today that I did not pass one(REG), and there is one more valid section (BEC) on that NTS and I want to retake REG before I take BEC, but NTS1 with BEC expires in May. In the event that I pass REG with my new NTS in early April, NASBA says there isn't a whole lot I can do about the remaining BEC on my NTS except to either take it(or no show) or wait for it to expire.

    Either way, it looks like I would have to take BEC in July at this rate even if I wanted to try and take it in May. I just don't know why I can't cancel or reschedule an NTS if I have been reading that I can.

    AUD -73, 82
    REG - 65, 71, 79
    BEC - 83


    Honestly I'd take the word of NASBA over an internet forum. I would hardly consider what you read here to be authoritative.

    Take BEC next then retake REG.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Honestly I found it easier to study for a different section prior to retaking a section that I had failed. It helps to take your mind of the material for a little while. At least that was my experience. Plus if you don't take BEC with that NTS you pretty much just wasted the money you spent on that section.

    FAR: 70, 77
    REG: 80
    BEC: 85
    AUD: 70, 68, 72, retake 4/2016


    It happened to me a few months ago. I asked for my NTS to be cancelled so I could buy a new one but the lady said it's not an option.

    FAR - 50, 78
    BEC - 67, 72, 75
    AUD - 72, 80
    REG - 70, 85

    To God be the glory! Forever, amen!

    NJ License

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