Last day to retake before 1st credit expires

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  • #176607

    If the first exam credit expires on April 15th, is the last date to retake failed exam 4/14 or 4/15th?

    This is for state of CA. Thanks.

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  • #404216

    I wish I knew the exact answer, but if I was you, I would do my best to just take it on April 12(friday) if there are not testing centers near your area that is open on the weekend. Don't give the AICPA a chance to use anything against you.

    AUD-69, Retake: 84!!
    Education- Done
    Ethics- August 2013
    Experience- 7 Months of CPA Experience and counting!


    My AUD credit was set to expire on 1/31/13 and I took (and passed) FAR on 1/28/13. Giving yourself only one day or the day of is too close for comfort. I agree with the above post. Take it on Friday.

    Good Luck!

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