If every exam has roughly the same pass rate does that mean stronger curves?

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  • #178527

    For an exam like FAR can you miss more points and get a passing score compared to BEC?

    AUD - 5/2013 91
    FAR - 7/2013 92
    BEC - 8/2013 90
    REG - 8/2013

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  • #424997

    You could think of it like that.. what'd you think about AUD? Sorry to hijack your thread but it's my only test left


    AUD wasnt too bad I spent a total of two weeks studying about 8 hours a day and did about 4000 MC questions

    AUD - 5/2013 91
    FAR - 7/2013 92
    BEC - 8/2013 90
    REG - 8/2013


    Every question is assigned a certain # of points before you take the exam. (i.e. “easier” questions only 1 pt, more complex questions 3 points). Regardless of the topics you still have to get the equivalent of 75 points. In a traditional curve your score is in part determined by how your peers taking the exam at the same time do. This curve is a bit different in that the points assigned are determined through pre-test questions that don't count on YOUR exam but will count on future versions of the exam.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    The AICPA curve is BS. They manipulate pass rates in order to protect CPA employment statistics. They want all CPAs to have jobs, so if there are too many CPAs in the workforce, the exam becomes “harder” so that the number of CPAs in the profession stays down a bit. If more CPAs are needed, the pass rate magically rises. As baby boomers retire, I anticipate the pass rates rising slowly over the next few years (unless of course more people ATTEMPT the exam, which changes the denominator and could keep the pass rate fairly level while still passing a greater raw number).

    NY CPA


    wizards8507, how do you that they manipulate the results? Your explanation is logical, but is it true?

    FAR 81 ✓
    AUD 97 ✓
    BEC 75 ✓
    REG 84 ✓

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