I need advice!

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  • #161894

    Hi All,

    Ok, I took BEC in July and just found I did not pass. (got a 74. ahhhh!!!)

    Here is my dilemma:

    -I am taking the exam in Pennsylvania. Currently, there is no 150-credit

    hour rule. HOWEVER, this is changing effective 1/1/12.

    I only have 120 credit hours of school. Which means, I have to pass one part

    of this test before January 1st!!!!!! Otherwise, I am no longer eligible to sit

    for the exam and will have to return for more school.

    -So, the dilemma is : I am taking FAR on 10/3/11. I’m feeling less

    confident about this exam than I did with BEC and so now, I’m feeling like I

    may not pass this either.

    So, this gives me one more shot at passing a part before the end of the

    year. I already have a NTS for REG and AUD – which expire 2/4/12. (UGH!!!

    How am I going to fit this all in? ))

    –So, should I take REG in November and hope to god I pass it? (Then

    taking AUD in Jan before my NTS expires)


    –Should I re-register for BEC and take it in Nov? Since I was so close to

    passing I have a pretty good shot at passing if I take a few weeks to refine

    my studying and master some more topics

    (The problem with this is I doubt i’ll be able to fit in REG and AUD from Jan

    1 – Feb 4. So, do I let one of those NTS expire??)

    BEC - 7/25/11 (74)
    FAR - 10/10/11

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  • Author
  • #300361

    I'm so sorry to hear about your situation! That really sucks! I'm no CPA exam expert, like some of the people here, but It seems to me like you should definitely retake Bec as soon as possible before the end of the year. You were only one point away last time so I'm sure it would be easier for you to review/ work on your weaker areas and retake the exam while the material is still fresh in your memory. I really hope everything works out for you! Good luck!


    Sounds like your highest priority should just be passing ANY part, so forget about the NTS that are about to expire. Study for BEC and dont worry about anything else! Trying to cram in other sections is going to be pointless if you have to go back to school for another 30 units!


    If all you need to do is pass one part in order to be grandfathered, you should prioritize passing BEC since you're that close. My advice for you is the following: even though you made a 74, study for your retake as if you're taking it for the first time. Do not fall into the trap of regurgitating memorized answers. Do not leave any stone unturned. Best of luck to you!

    Texas-licensed CPA

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