How long does it take to get a NTS for a retake?

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  • #191274

    I live in Georgia. I am taking Regulation on January 9th. If I pass, I will only have BEC left. No matter what happens with REG, I would like to take BEC at the end of Febuary. If I were to fail REG, I would retake it in April. What I wanted to know was if I waited to schedule BEC until I find out my REG score on Febuary 4th (score release date), will I have my NTS in time to take BEC by the end of Febuary? If I have to take REG again, I would like to register for BEC at the same time to save money, but the first time I applied for my first NTS, it took a little over a month to recieve. Does the second NTS take just as long? Or will I have the NTS much quicker since I already have gotten a NTS before.

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  • #637571

    I applied for my retake NTS this past Saturday and had it by Sunday.


    Thank you for the response Jilly. What state are you in? Did your first NTS take around a month like mine did?


    Obviously besides my first NTS, I've received them 2-3 days after I've applied (I'm in PA). What I'd be most concerned about is getting a good testing time that close to the end of the window. Around my area you have to schedule your exam at least a month in advance because they fill up super quickly.

    Good luck!


    That's good advice CPAMule. I will keep that in mind.


    There was one time I failed to receive my NTS within 2 days. I was on NASBAs website about to contact them, but found a “reprint NTS” section and was able to print the one I never received.

    FAR - 77
    BEC - 77
    AUD - 89
    REG - 85


    Megatron, what are you doing taking the CPA exams for? You're the leader of the Decepticons. You could easily hack into NASBA and give yourself all passing scores!


    MI- next day

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