How long did your first NTS take?

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  • #175732

    I’ve heard it takes 6 to 8 weeks. That’s a somewhat large range, so I’m wondering the average.

    On January 8th, I applied at, sent in my transcript, and paid my money. I would like to sit for FAR in the current window (ends February 28th). Is this possible? Ideally, I’ll get my NTS around 2/19 and schedule my exam for the end of the month. I’m in New York if that matters.

    Is there a way I can check to make sure they got my transcript/have everything they need? Is there any possible way to expedite the process?

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Far: 86
    Aud: 93
    Reg: 8/2
    Bec: 8/31

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  • #660909

    I am in Texas, just to clarify:

    I would look up your info on your state's website if they have a candidate section that tracks your progress. I paid my $20 fee to the TEXAS STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTANCY on Friday 1/11/13. I received my approval to sit on Tuesday, 1/16/13. I then had to wait for the NASBA to send me a payment coupon. I didn't wait to get it in the mail or email – I just went back and logged into their website to see if it was there (I did the ‘reprint my payment coupon' option). The ability to print my coupon was there on Thursday, 1/17/11. I then PAID my fee to take the exam yesterday afternoon (Thursday, 1/17/11), and then checked back on the NASBA website to see if I could “Reprint my NTS” since I had not received it in my email. It let me do that about 3-4 hours after I had paid my exam fee. THEN I could schedule my exam with that info. I had no idea it such a LONG, drawn-out process even after you had been approved to sit for the exam!!

    I don't know if this helps you, but I am scheduled to take my exam on Friday 1/25/13. I think you are sitting good.

    Also, just call your state board of accountancy and ask any questions you may have – that's why we pay the fees 🙂




    I applied on 5/17/2012 and received my NTS on 6/18/2012


    FAR: 75 (JUL 12)
    AUD: 71 (AUG 12), 72 (OCT 12), 75 (JAN 13)
    REG: 77 (OCT 12)
    BEC: 79 (NOV 12)


    I applied the Monday before Thanksgiving (11/19/2012) and received my NTS on 11/28/2012. I thought it would take longer considering the holidays, but it was quick!


    Applied 4/4/12. Received NTS 4/13/12. In Colorado.

    FAR - 79 - 07/2012
    AUD - 65, 78 - 11/2012
    BEC - 76 - 11/2012
    REG - 78 - 01/2013
    ETH - 98 - 01/2013

    Material: Wiley books


    Is there a way to see if they have received your transcript?


    Georgia, Atlanta candidate.

    It took me 5 weeks till I lost my patience and called NASBA to find out if they didn't lose my documents.They apologized it took so long and said that I would get my FIRST NTS within 48 hours. So, I got it, within 48 hours. I have heard that somebody got NTS within a week. I am positive that this is impossible.

    Just a simple example. According to NASBA's Annual Report, some states (like CA) have 14,000 candidates a year, it is about 1200 candidates a month. Assuming they have at least 1 coordinator per state (50 states !!), they cannot “digest” so much files faster.

    Any other suggestions ??

    FAR - 07/2015
    AUD - TBD
    REG - TBD
    BEC -TBD

    We suffer one of two things in our life. The pain of discipline or the pain of disappointments.
    When you are disciplined, there is no pain of disappointments.


    My first NTS took over a month. Closer to two months.

    The problem was that they didn't receive a Transcript but it took a phone call to figure that out. Once I got that one fixed I found that they were waiting on a Transcript that wasn't necessary. Took a second call to get that straightened out. Once it was all fixed, my NTS went through pretty quick.

    Bottom line though is that you should be prepared for it to take a month or even two for that first NTS. After that first one, I never had to wait more than 48 hours.

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