first-time applicant…questions about application process

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  • #1586284


    I have a few (noobish D:) questions regarding the application process (I’ve also sent an email to the NASBA regarding the below and plan to call them tomorrow, but figured that I’d post it here too in case I get a more prompt reply):

    (1) I’ve submitted my school transcript a couple months ago, but held off the rest of the application process until recently. I know it’s been a while — so would I have to resend my transcript, or would it have been saved regardless?

    (2) I’m unsure of the next steps to the application process. I’m aware that I am to send in the Notarization and Photo Form, but will I have to send this in with the transcript or after I receive an NTS? The reason I’m asking is because I’m not sure where to find my Jurisdiction ID (it simply reads “New Jersey” on the top of my account page)..

    (3) Lastly, may I wait for my transcript and Notarization and Photo Form to be approved before I pay for the exams, or is the payment part of the application process?

    Thank you, and any help is much appreciated!!! 🙂

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