Feeling the Pressure. Potential to lose REG credit.

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  • #192098

    I started really strong when I started my exams for the CPA. I passed my first part (REG) in Q4 of 2013 and second in Q1 of 2014 (AUD), but I took some time off and didn’t take my third part (BEC) until Q3 of 2014, which I though wouldn’t be a problem to pass. Sure enough, I failed the third part I took with a 74 and then I retook the exam again in Q4 of 2014, and wouldn’t you know it, I failed the same part (BEC) again with another 74.

    So for Q1 of 2014, I decided to buckle down study hard so that I could take my last two parts (FAR & BEC) in Q1 of 2015. I decided to take FAR first since I haven’t taken it before and would definitely need more time to study for it, which I did on 1/24/2015 and then to take BEC on 2/28/2015.

    After I took FAR, I felt the same way I did about all the other exams, which was NOT GOOD. I felt like I did decent on the multiple choice, but there was some guessing, and I didn’t give myself enough time for the SIMs, which I know I bombed on one of them and did pretty decent on the others.

    I’ve bee doing pretty good about not trying to stress over FAR and keeping my mind taking BEC at the end of the month.

    Even though I have one more testing window left, the thought of taking either of the exams again gives me extreme anxiety. Especially that I won’t pass them on time and that I will lose a credit.

    Is anyone else out there having the same experience or had the same experience and it turned out good for them?


    So glad to have my life back!!!!

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  • #647434

    I started strong by passing all three FAR, AUD, and BEC in my first try. However, this is my 3rd time taking REG and if I do not pass, my FAR score will expire….Good Luck to you!

    FAR: 85 (Becker)
    AUD: 88 (Becker)
    BEC: 82 (Becker + Ninja 10 Point Combo)
    REG: 74, 73, 91 DONE!!! (Becker + Ninja Notes and Ninja MCQ's)


    I'm pretty much in the same boat as you guys. Passed FAR, AUD, and REG, and if I don't pass BEC this month then I'll be losing FAR. So don't feel alone! Use that pressure as motivation to dig deep and to give your remaining sections all you've got. Good luck to us all!

    FAR - ✓
    AUD - ✓
    REG - ✓
    BEC - ✓

    Don't give up!


    Thanks you guys!!! Good luck to you both as well


    So glad to have my life back!!!!


    I am in the same situation waiting for FAR result. I didn't do well on 2.5 sims and did okay on the mcqs. My audit will expire if I don't pass this time. I have ruined my 2 midterm exams for my MBA due to this retake anxiety. It is very frustrating indeed.

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