Farting During Exam - Page 2

  • This topic has 19 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #192387

    There should be some kind of deduction of points or time penalty for someone who farts during the exam.

    First attempt at FAR the guy next to me was on a schedule of one every 10 min which was terrible. Yesterday i was cruising along through testlet 3 when is smelled like someone in the room had shit their pants.

    I think I should receive bonus points or should have gotten more time added to my test based on the severity of the smell.

    FAR: 66, 75
    AUD: 67, 69, 70, 74, 74
    REG: 71, 79
    BEC: 73

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  • #649118

    Can't be worse than a test generator being fired up.

    That's what happened to me during BEC and it really messed me up for a bit.


    My legs were cramping up so i was trying to stretch while staying seated. I almost kicked out the power cord under my work station. I would have probably shit myself and cried and someone would have posted about me in this forum.

    FAR: 66, 75
    AUD: 67, 69, 70, 74, 74
    REG: 71, 79
    BEC: 73


    I took FAR today and there was some girl in the testing room who kept burping. Like, not quiet, trying to hold it in burps, but LOUD, forceful burps. And several of them! I think she was the same person who was talking to herself and sighing really loudly when she got frustrated.


    @ tonybrunoar – I actually did that. it was a good thing I pooped before my test, otherwise I would have immediately soiled myself as soon as the screen went dark. that is also the only section that I failed.

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