FAR/AUD advice please

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  • #195571

    I need some advice. My last exam was FAR which I failed for the second time. My focus has been on FAR however I just realized my AUD NTS ends as of 10/1 and my FAR NTS is good until 1/1/16. My boss recommended me to continue on the FAR path until I pass however I hate to lose my AUD NTS and waste that money. Should I take AUD on 10/1 switch my FAR exam date to late November? or Should I just focus on FAR and let the AUD expire and lose the money and wait to take the exam after I pass FAR?

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  • #682854

    When did you last take FAR that you know you failed? Why not take it in this testing window? You could sit end of Aug and still hit AUD on 10/1?

    BEC - 02/21/15 - 82
    FAR - 05/29/15 - 82
    AUD - 07/09/15 - 93
    REG - 11/14/15 - 80

    All done!!!

    Fat Bunny

    I would schedule AUD on 10/1 and retake FAR until I pass.

    More incentive for me to study hard and pass.

    REG - 77, 10/18/2014
    BEC- 84, 2/26/2015
    FAR - 78, 7/16/2015
    AUD - 86, 8/27/2015 (Yes!!! I am officially done )


    I would take FAR at the end of August and then do AUD on 10/1. Since you have already taken FAR, it should all be review and you should have no problem sitting for it in a month. Audit is completely doable after 4 weeks of studying so I'd suggest using the September as a time to study for Audit and take it on the day the NTS expires.

    AUD- 99
    FAR- 93
    BEC- 90
    REG- 94


    For what its worth. I failed BEC twice and moved on to REG, where I failed once. I then moved from CPA Excel to Ninja products and passed REG and then BEC. Getting the passing score for REG was a big boost in morale. I am on my 4th exam now, FAR and ready to be done.


    I never noticed this before your post but FAR + AUD kind of sounds like “Fraud”… Far-Aud… like you are over pronouncing it while speaking,

    FAR- 82
    REG- 93
    AUD- 89
    BEC- 88

    You are smarter, more focused, and more brilliant than you give yourself credit for. Believe in yourself and truly know in your heart that you can do it.


    Thats crazy my NTS only last for 3 months.

    FAR - Passed 4/2016
    AUD - Passed 11/2015
    REG - ?
    BEC - 05/28/2016

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