FAR score notice and actual score don't match up?

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  • #192416

    I took FAR Jan 7 and received my score in the first score release and then received the score notice a couple of days later in the mail. I waited to post this because I started studying for BEC the day after I found out and just took it on 2/26 so I needed to devote time to BEC since failing FAR messed up my exam taking schedule.

    Anyways… I am completely confused about my score and the score notice. I don’t feel like they match up.

    I got a 70 (I got a 67 the first time back in August 2014) so at least I went up. I might have to dig out my previous fail. To be honest, I thought I did decent on the sims. I took my time, looked things up in the AL and found one sim straight from the AL with different numbers.

    Content Area

    1. Framework… Stronger

    2. Financial Stmt Accts… Comparable

    3. Specific Transactions… Stronger

    4. Governmental… Stronger

    5. Not for Profit… Comparable

    MC = Stronger

    Sims = Weaker

    Maybe if I had received a 74 I would be really ticked off but I just don’t understand.

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  • Author
  • #654120

    You're definitely not alone. I got a 73 on FAR in Q3 2014 and was “weaker” on all of the content areas except NFP, which I was “stronger” on, and was “stronger” on SIMS. Then in Q4 2014 I got a 70 on FAR and was “stronger” in all of the content areas and “weaker” on SIMS. Sometimes I think the SIMS hold more weight than we realize…



    @amandilee, what did you do to go from the 70 to the 77? I am retaking April 1st and I'm not even sure how to study/what to study…. I know you're supposed to study like you've never taken the exam but I only have a few weeks. I am definitely going to hit governmental and not for profit because I personally feel weak in those areas, despite what my notice said.


    Journal entries journal entries journal entries 🙂

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016

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