FAR Results

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  • #187475

    I failed Far again.I passed BEC in April,took far in May and failed with 70.I retook FAR in July and got my results today with a failing grade of 72.I am so frustrated.I know there are others out there who may have failed but I feel like I am alone.I dont know how else to study.Please share your advice if you’ve been in that position with FAR.

    I am studying for REG now which I will take on the 28th-one day before my bday..

    Thank you Another71 forum..you make me feel so much better

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  • #584601

    ** Edited by Kricket **


    No,its not..I am simply asking for someone to share their study tips with me for FAR..Thats why I came here.


    We are here to support each other. Any posts that are un-supportive, condescending or rude, will be edited or deleted. End of discussion.


    Oh sorry I misinterpreted ur post. In my opinion far is all about journal entries. If u know all your journal entries like the back of ur hand u got a good shot at passing far. How r u on journal entries? When u answer a question while studying see if u can also determine the journal entry to go along with it. I feel any computational question in a test bank can be most easily solve by a journal entry.


    @Bri – You are far from alone and you are in the right place to get the support you need. Have you ever taken a learning style inventory? Doing that might help you find out how you learn and then you can adjust your study strategy accordingly.


    Let us know what you find out and then we can help you.


    I too have failed FAR twice with a 74 both times. I have audit and reg passed but also failed BEC for the second time is July. I am taking FAR for the third time on the 28th. If I don't pass FAR and BEC by December I loose my Aud credit.

    I got the Ninja notes this time for FAR and plan on re-writing them 2x's and studying them every day in addition to doing my Becker MCQ and Simulations. I don't really have any study tips other than what I tell myself keep on keeping on.

    Good Luck

    Audit - 78
    REG - 53, 76
    BEC 71, 69 75
    FAR - 74, 74, 73, 79!!!


    Thank you very much. I don't think I master my journal entries just yet.I will take your advice and apply it while I study for FAR again. Much appreciated


    @mom23kings – you might want to look into the Ninja flashcards. They are great when you are waiting in the checkout line at the grocery store. There is also a website called StudyBlue.com. You can make your own flash cards and review them anytime you have an internet connection.


    @kricket,no I haven't taken it before.I will do it now.Thank you so much @mom23kings.I appreciate you.Stay focused as well and all the best. I do the multiple choice questions and the sims but I also spend alot of time reading because thats how I understand.I also noticed that the questions are not the same on the exam so I think that reading will put me in a better position-Maybe I am wrong about that


    The Learning Style Inventory is enlightening to say the least. I read every chapter, over and over and zero passing scores. I started listening instead of reading and I started passing.


    Failed audit with a 72. It was my first CPA exam ever I was using becker. I barely had enough time to go through everything so I'm skeptical on purchasing a supplement. But many people have said ninja mcq has helped. It definitely isn't expensive so the cost isn't the issue. I just don't want to purchase something and not use it. How does the ninja mcq compare to the becker mcq? I've moved on and have been studying for far. Taking it 8/28 and not prepared what so ever! It takes me a very long time to get through the mcq and my score is very low. I'm thinking of using becker for the lectures and doing ninja mcq? Or should I do mcq in becker + ninja? I think the second option is best but at that rate I will never finish in time for my exam. What would you do in my situation?

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