FAR exam scoring error, July '11 - Page 5

  • This topic has 80 replies, 41 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #175642

    Hi All,

    I took FAR for the first time in July of 2011. I failed with a 74. I took i again about a year later and failed again with a 74. I passed on the third try about 3 months after that.

    I got a call from NASBA yesterday. They told me that there was a scoring error on the July 2011 FAR exam, and that i had actually passed it at that time. What!!?? They tell me almost two years later?

    They said that they will refund me the money for the other two exams that i didn’t actually need to take since i passed the first time, but that’s all.

    Does anybody think i can make a case to get some kind of compensation for the hundreds of additional hours of studying for it two extra times?

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  • #392608

    I applied for 4 exams in 2012 – sat for 2 in 2012 – one I passed (REG), one I got a 74 (FAR) – both still say submitted, not complete.

    Seems weird, but I'm not going to take it as it means anything for now.


    @SunCPA – I highly doubt they would ever move a passing score to a failing score because of this issue. The couple people it seems were notified jumped from a 74 to a 75. Since you were already told you passed and the error is one them, I doubt they would want to mess their image anymore by moving someone from passing to failing. Plus, it would be a lot more work on there end to determine if that failing score would then lead to lost credits, etc.

    BEC - 77 (lost credit), 4/5/13
    AUD - 83
    REG - 77
    FAR - 73, 74, 80! One more to go!!


    Thanks for your reply WICPA06 and Good luck with your last two parts!!!


    I smell a lawsuit coming on if this actually happened. Think about the person who failed FAR with a 74, lost a part because of it, had to study AGAIN for FAR and the other part, and basically lost another 3+ months out of their life (plus the exam fees). I would be absolutely livid. The money isn't a huge deal but that time can never be replaced.


    If it happened to me, I would view it as a sunk cost 🙂 I would be mad for a little bit, but then the relief of being done would take over. You can't get the time back anyway now.

    BEC - 77 (lost credit), 4/5/13
    AUD - 83
    REG - 77
    FAR - 73, 74, 80! One more to go!!


    I think it definately raises questions about the AICPA's accuracy. Going forward, how is anybody supposed to actually believe a 74?

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I expressed the same issue yestersay @mla1169. It makes it even more concerning that it was a coding issue and not necessarily a coding issue. If no one would have found the coding issue, the tests would have continued to be scored incorrectly on false information.

    BEC - 77 (lost credit), 4/5/13
    AUD - 83
    REG - 77
    FAR - 73, 74, 80! One more to go!!


    sorry not necessarily a scoring issue

    BEC - 77 (lost credit), 4/5/13
    AUD - 83
    REG - 77
    FAR - 73, 74, 80! One more to go!!


    @mla1169 That's why I've started thinking about actually requesting a rescore, even though I never would have considered it in the past. Although I realize the chances of my score changing are still about zero, and I don't know if I really want to pay them more money just because I lost confidence in them.

    For all I know I could be past the rescore deadline anyway, waiting to hear back.


    This is out of a nightmare for those candidates. I can't imagine getting that call. Wow


    Having a received a 74 for FAR in Q3 due to ‘weaker' SIMS, I'm anxiously waiting to see how this plays out.

    It seems like a press release or official statement should be issued to address this. I wonder if the coding error affected ALL sims during those periods or just specific question(s) that popped up during those two years…

    AUD - Pass
    FAR - Pass
    BEC - Pass
    REG - Nov


    I confirmed with the CT representative for NASBA that anyone affected in CT has already been notified.


    can we find an error for Q4 2012 AUD please??? 😉

    REG - 5/21/2012 - 85
    FAR - 7/24/2012 - 86
    BEC - 8/27/2012 - 85
    AUD - 10/5/2012 - 72....rematch 1/3/13 (waiting)


    Has anyone heard anything from NH?

    I certainly understand how everyone questioning whether or not to challenge a score feels.

    I got 74 in Q3 and 73 in Q4 for REG (losing AUD).

    Sat again 1/7 and 1/12 and now this is making me anxious 3 weeks sooner than I thought I had to be!


    Q4 2012 FAR I scored Comparable and Stronger in every section… except SIMS. It would really make me question my score too. Only, I think the “weaker” is justified because I ran out of time.

    With my luck, EVEN if I did get one of the messed up SIMS that could have added to my score, it would have been one that I didn't get to, lol.

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*

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