FAR exam scoring error, July '11 - Page 3

  • This topic has 80 replies, 41 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #175642

    Hi All,

    I took FAR for the first time in July of 2011. I failed with a 74. I took i again about a year later and failed again with a 74. I passed on the third try about 3 months after that.

    I got a call from NASBA yesterday. They told me that there was a scoring error on the July 2011 FAR exam, and that i had actually passed it at that time. What!!?? They tell me almost two years later?

    They said that they will refund me the money for the other two exams that i didn’t actually need to take since i passed the first time, but that’s all.

    Does anybody think i can make a case to get some kind of compensation for the hundreds of additional hours of studying for it two extra times?

Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 80 total)
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  • #392578

    @cornykeg – you just got an email from the Illinois board today?

    If that is true, I wonder if they haven't notified everyone yet but rather notify all the state boards and they are contacting people? Jeff any insight?

    I got a 73 on FAR back in August and that would have been my last section. I'm have zero hope that it would change, but man would that be nice to find out I'm actually done.

    BEC - 77 (lost credit), 4/5/13
    AUD - 83
    REG - 77
    FAR - 73, 74, 80! One more to go!!


    Yep, they said they tried calling me a couple weeks ago but could get in touch…


    I am shocked over this. It makes me skeptical now over any scores that are 73-74 in any test for any individual. Everyone says that no one has ever won an appeal over a close to passing score. But it looks like this issue was based on something coded wrong, not scored wrong.

    If a section is scored based on incorrect coding, the answer would be wrong no matter what and no one would ever know unless the coding was found to be incorrect (in this instance).

    BEC - 77 (lost credit), 4/5/13
    AUD - 83
    REG - 77
    FAR - 73, 74, 80! One more to go!!


    I took FAR in 2012 and got a 74. According to Jeff's post everyone affected has been notified, but it's making me really question applying for a rescore. I don't answer phone numbers I don't know……

    Anyone think there's any more point in applying for a rescore?


    @k917 – I think you only have like 3 months to apply for a rescore, so I don't think you can anymore based on the last tests affected were Q3 2012 which is over 3 months.

    This again makes me skeptical. How did an error originating in 2011 first get caught now?

    BEC - 77 (lost credit), 4/5/13
    AUD - 83
    REG - 77
    FAR - 73, 74, 80! One more to go!!


    If you have a phone call from (615) — call the # back.


    @WICPA06 I'm trying to figure out how the rescore works and what the time limit is. I just got my score December 8 so really it's only been a month. But like I said I have no idea how it works.

    I'm in CT if anyone knows how it works.


    @k917 – based on the email the individual received from Illinois, they were told the last affected scores on this rescoring issue was Q3 2012, so it would have been the July-August 2012 testing window. Since you got your score on December 8th, I'm assuming you took the test in November, which means it probably wasn't affected.

    It that case, a rescore is a waste of time. A couple hundred bucks for them to tell you the 74 is correct.

    BEC - 77 (lost credit), 4/5/13
    AUD - 83
    REG - 77
    FAR - 73, 74, 80! One more to go!!


    Yes – through Q3 2012 is what I was told as well.


    Ah, ok. I misunderstood the Q3 2012 part. Damn, I was hopeful there for a few minutes.


    I'm wondering if you're not in a NASBA state, if its up to the state board to contact you instead of NASBA themselves?

    Guess I'm just hoping for an email or call 😮


    @Dorn I emailed Oregon (non-nasba) and NASBA out of curiosity. No word back yet. I eventually passed the test I failed by 1 point but this would be affecting my expiration of an exam so I'd like to know. Doubt it happened to me but I'm def in the time window and fell 1 point shy.

    REG - 68 | 71 | 88 | 86
    FAR - 72 | 74 | 79
    AUD - 66 | 70 | 77
    BEC - 62 | 74 | 80

    Guess that means I'm a soon-to-be CPA!


    This only affected one person in Nevada. It wasn't me. 🙁

    FAR - 69, 71, 07/13 waiting
    AUD - 70, 86
    BEC - 77
    REG - 08/13


    Vegas, how do you know specifics?

    REG - 68 | 71 | 88 | 86
    FAR - 72 | 74 | 79
    AUD - 66 | 70 | 77
    BEC - 62 | 74 | 80

    Guess that means I'm a soon-to-be CPA!


    I e-mailed the state board.

    FAR - 69, 71, 07/13 waiting
    AUD - 70, 86
    BEC - 77
    REG - 08/13

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