FAR Credit Expired Likelihood of Extension For Good Reason? California

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  • #195118

    My FAR Credit expired on 4/26/15. I only have one section left to take, which is REG. I took it twice already, once in October 2014 and once in February 2015. Failed both times, and I have REG scheduled again at the end of July. Basically, my story is my father was diagnoised with stage 4 lung cancer early last year, and has needed significant care since that time. Needless to say, my studying hours were dramatically shortened as I had to help with his declining health.

    I was recently told that CBA (California) allows folks to apply for an extension on expired credit for good cause, one of which is catastrophic illness of an immediate family member. I really hate to use my dad’s health in this way, but was wondering what was the likelihood of me getting an extension on my FAR credit? The CBA booklet said they give extensions because one was unable to sit for an exam, but I actually sat for REG twice, I just failed miserably because I wasn’t able to focus. Also, the credit already expired in April, so can I ask for an extension now after the fact?

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Author
  • #675898

    It can't hurt to ask but I was under the impression you needed to make the request before credit expired. Also you're correct that being a good sport and showing up to reg twice can work against you. Since every case is unique I wouldn't rely on the experience of others and just see what they say if you ask.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager

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