Extension? Negative

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  • #173280

    Hi All,

    I called the Virginia state board of accountancy where I am a candidate to ask if they allow for any extension of losing credit for a part and they said no. It’s rather disheartening and frustrating if other boards allow for it. Does anyone have any other ideas? I feel like I have a valid reason considering we had three deaths in the past 4-5 months and you can tell from my score that I am actively trying as well as see when my score dropped around a funeral. Has anyone had luck talking with the AICPA? I know someone mentioned that on another extension request thread…

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  • #363196

    That decision is left to the state boards. If they have their minutes posted on their website, take a little time and read through them just to make sure you were given the correct information. If someone asks for an extension in Louisiana it has to be voted on. They don't put the candidates name in the minutes, just a number, so it's confidential. It's worth a little research if nothing else. Good Luck and I am very sorry for your loss.


    MA won't extend for any reason, including sickness and loss of a family member:

    If a candidate leave the past part to an exam window and becomes medically unable to sit or it restricted on appearance by a death or other personal tragedy, no provision is available to extend the rolling 18 month period. The candidate will lose a previously passed part and if the candidate cannot sit subsequently for other exam windows, will lose other passed parts unless the candidate plans to sit and prepares to pass all remaining parts within the next rolling 18 month period.

    I'm so sorry for your losses.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.

    mena je twa

    So Sorry for your losses. They will not amend the rules in any circumstances… Period.

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012


    I'm sorry you went through a tough time. I can definitely see this as being a slippery slope from their side, though. It's strictly a judgment call and I'm sure they don't want to have to say yes to one and no to another.

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    Everybody is going through something. It would be unfair to everyone if exceptions were made.


    I'm so sorry for your losses. Take care.


    My stepdad died from cancer last June (I cancelled an exam), started studying again and my mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer 5 weeks later and I cancelled another exam. I had to take FMLA from work to take care of her at home for about 6 months until she passed away in Feb. I didn't even think about asking for an extension, but a friend (without any familiarity with the CPA exam) told me it didn't hurt to ask for an extension. So I told them my situation, provided death certificates and they gave me a three month extension. I guess I was really lucky.

    Oh, I'm in Washington state.

    BEC- 73, 73, 80
    REG- 74, 83
    FAR- 50(didn't study), 76 (<--How the heck did that happen?)
    AUD- 71, 71, 79!!!!!


    Thanks for all the support and feedback. Kristen: Im so sorry to hear about your losses. 🙁 I will take Kricket's recommendation and read the minutes just in case. I may send a letter in as a last minute attempt. All they can do is say no again, right?


    @nofun- Thank you. It was terrible. And really terrible that in the back of my mind, through the entire 9 months or so, I kept thinking, “I'm going to lose to my REG and BEC credits.” I felt bad that I even thought about that while my mom was dying, and figured I'd just have to let it go since I knew I was doing the right thing in putting this exam on hold. I was really lucky they gave me an extension at all.

    I really hope they'll give you one too. I'm sorry for all of the loss you've experienced.

    BEC- 73, 73, 80
    REG- 74, 83
    FAR- 50(didn't study), 76 (<--How the heck did that happen?)
    AUD- 71, 71, 79!!!!!

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