Expired Section Status

  • Creator
  • #178113

    Hi All,

    I e-mailed the CA exam unit, because my FAR credit status still says expired, even though I passed my last section on the last day of credit. I took the last section on May 22nd, which was also the last day of credit for FAR (scary, I know). I got a response from them this morning, and wanted to share their response, in case others are in the same boat, and are freaking out too.

    “Your exam status will be manually updated at the time we send you the letter indicating that you have passed all four sections of the CPA Exam. Currently, pass letter are being mailed within two weeks of the final score being released. Letters mailed to international applicants will require extra time for the letter to be received. The exam score will be updated on your Client Account within the same time period.”


    FAR - 78
    AUD - 77
    BEC - 80
    REG - 88

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  • Author
  • #421046

    Nice job pulling through! Congrats!

    CA CPA - All because of the journey listed below
    FAR - 53('10), 8/25/12 79 PASSED!
    REG - 66('11), 69('12), 12/06/12 77 PASSED!!
    BEC - 58('10), 74('12), 01/05/13 77 PASSED!!!
    AUD - 43('11), 66('12), 69('13), 74('13) 7/29/13 85 PASSED!!!!!

    (Combinations of Roger, Yaeger, Wiley Book, Wiley TB, & NINJA Notes)

    Ethics 90%


    Wowsers! Cutting it close – but glad you got it straightened out.


    BEC: 79 - April 2011
    FAR: 78 - May 2011
    AUD: 81 - May 2012
    REG: 79 - October 2012
    Ethics: Passed - March 2013
    I am finally DONE!

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