Exam day situation – Please help

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  • #191710

    I recently took FAR. Throughout the test there were no technical issues. A small incident happened at the which is bothering me. Maybe I am over thinking but I still want to ask about this. After I finished the exam there was a Survey about Prometric. I completed that survey and clicked the end button.When I came out of the room, proctor told me that it shows on her screen my test is still running. I told her, I did click the end button. Then she said maybe its loading. After few seconds she took my finger prints and signed me out (The usual procedure) without asking me to go back and check the computer screen. Then she gave me a printout for exam attendance and I left. I want to know can this survey thing at the end create a problem or it has nothing to do with the exam.

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  • #644481

    This happened to me after I took REG. After I completed the survey the screen went white and stayed white for a couple of minutes, I figured this was normal so I left. When they went to sign me out they said the exam hand't closed or something like that and I flipped out thinking the whole thing was lost, but they just went in and reset it and assured me everything was fine. I also received my attendance printout but was still paranoid until score release date, I thought that I would have to retake the exam because my exam was lost. I passed REG with a perfect score, so it worked out for me. However, if you are really worried you can call NASA or email them, on the attendance letter there is a “to report a problem” paragraph but you only have 5 days.

    BEC - 66, 77 (3/14* expired), 82 (11/15)
    AUD - 58 (4/14), 76 (8/14)
    REG - 75 (6/14)
    FAR - 72 (11/14), 67 (1/15), 68 (5/15), 68 (7/15), 80!!!! (11/15)

    Licensed Florida CPA. God is Good!!


    Same thing happened to me. I emailed candidatecare@nasba.org and told them the situation. They responded with 2 days and confirmed all testlets were stored and transmitted.


    Do you guys think I should email Nasba?


    Its been more than 5 days I took the exam on 24th Jan


    I wouldn't worry about it. Once you hit the last exit of the exam technically you are done with the exam anyways. It's not like you can go back any do anyhing. The only thing Prometric can do is to log you off and sign you out at that point.


    Same thing happened to me taking FAR earlier in January.

    Went out after I clicked “end” and they told me my test was still in progress. Another prometric employee went in and did something, and they signed me out after. Told me everything was fine and sometimes it takes a minute or two for the systems to completely sign off.


    same thing happened to me on my reg exam on 1/4/15 they went back into the room and did something I did the survey and clicked end like i always did. I asked 10 times you didn't lose my work did you.. glad to hear others have seen same thing I figure I will just sue NASBA and prometrics i want the same exam back and reimbursement for my study time if my work is lost … LOL.. hoping for good results have a good night all

    BEC: 81
    FAR: 75
    AUD: 81
    REG: 85

    PA license Pending..


    Lol I have sent an email to NASBA candidate care. Letsee what they say, I don't know why I am getting paranoid about this. I really don't want to take FAR again!


    I usually wait until the computer is back at the desktop, but the last one I took, I just wanted to run away. When I left the room they asked if the screen came back and before I could open my mouth to answer, he said, “oh, there it is.” My guess is it showed up, but they didn't say anything.


    the prometric logo came up for me so I was really concerned

    BEC: 81
    FAR: 75
    AUD: 81
    REG: 85

    PA license Pending..


    Hi guys,

    NASBA candidate care responded pretty quickly. They said all the four testlets were recorded. If anyone has the same concern please email them. @Another75please thank you for your recommendation!

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