Easy Fix for NASBA

  • Creator
  • #189705

    Here is their solution: Don’t have a page for us to check our score. Send scores in batches via e-mail. You’ll know your score when you get the e-mail. If you haven’t received an e-mail, then your score is not available. That gives them complete control over the traffic, thus preventing server crashes. If masses of people want to refresh their e-mail over and over, then it becomes Google’s problem. The good news is that Google is good at their job, and they won’t just pitifully crash and give up. Come on NASBA. SMH

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  • Author
  • #616046

    Shame on you for thinking a government entity should know what it is doing. Let alone that it could somehow be efficient at it. It's really a miracle they even know how to post the scores online.

    FAR- 92 (7/25/2014)
    AUD- 93 (8/30/2014)
    REG- 93 (10/10/2014)
    BEC- 91 (11/10/2014)

    Using Becker self-study only. Working full-time.


    ^ Preach.

    AUD 79 (7/14)
    FAR 78 (7/14)
    REG 78 (8/14)
    BEC 81 (10/14)


    NASBA isn't a government entity….

    FAR: 89
    BEC: 88
    REG: 81
    AUD: 76

    CPAexcel, NINJA 10 point combo, & NINJA MCQ

    "Pain is temporary, it may last for a minute, or an hour, or a day, or even a year...but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit however, it will last forever."


    Well, they used to send score notifications via snail mail. Would you rather go back to that?

    I like being able to know a specific day and being able to check online; that being said – they should just release scores immediately like the GRE/GMAT

    BEC - 72, 82! ✓
    FAR - 80! ✓
    AUD - 70, 92! ✓
    REG - 74, 78! ✓

    Licensed CPA 5/2015


    I'm in CA not due for a score until the next release. Still curious what all of this means to us indi states. Are we going to get our scores 6am the day after NASBA receives them (which is most likely the day before release) or the day after NASBA releases them. The prior could actually lead to an indi state getting released before NASBA if in CA. Strange times my people….


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