Does which accounting classes you take matters?

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    I took accounting classes at both a CC and a UC and have a BS in ECON. Some of the accounting classes looks similar in structure. Would they overlap, meaning if the CPA reviews my transcript would they still allow me take the exam?

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  • #294336

    I don't know about sitting for the exam, but I know that for being licensed, I am short 6 business credits and was told by my liaison that some courses I am/will be taking as a grad student now have overlapping material to courses from my undergrad degree and will not necessarily be able to count for the 6 credits.

    Did you apply yet? Sometimes you can't get an answer in theory, they have to see what the classes are on the transcript…

    To answer your question – if accounting credits work the same as business, then it might matter – but I don't know what they're rules are for the exam vs. license….


    I have not applied yet since I still need 8 (semester) units to fulfill the accounting education requirement. Community Colleges and extension don't offer a wide range of accounting classes so I am sure they will overlap the ones I've taken so far.

    I have contacted both my schools and they have no idea. I can't apply yet because I need 8 more units and I am afraid to waste more time in classes that wont even count.

    its so hard to find someone with the right answers! So hopefully someone in this forum is in the same predicament.


    That's annoying.

    Are there lists of the accounting courses each college offers that you can give to NASBA (to your state liaison) and perhaps someone there can help you out…? On the other hand, if you didn't apply yet I don't know how much they can tell you….

    I didn't know about the 6 business credits I was missing until I applied to NASBA and the fact that my undergrad degree is supposedly from a college with an “approved” CPA track program and that I have over 150 credits doesn't matter. I understand your frustration. I thought I was going to be “ahead of the game” by already having my work experience, over 150 credits in my undergrad degree and taking CPA exams in relatively short amount of time, but meanwhile I need more credits…but I already graduated from undergrad, and my grad courses may overlap with undergrad…so I actually fell behind.

    I hope someone else out here can help you out…


    I am fairly sure that it depends on which state you live in. Even though you can't apply yet, you can certainly check in with your state board of accountancy.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Oh right, yeah, the state definitely has to do with it. So you should probably contact them. I remember when I called NASBA once about this they transferred me right away to my state liaison.


    @c6huynh-I had accounting credits at a CC, CSU, and a UC. Some classes overlapped in material covered, but the names of the classes were different enough that I think no one at the board questioned it and i got credit for all of it.


    Some of my accounting classes count for CA but not for TX, so yes, it matters what courses you take.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA


    Thanks for all the replies, I will try to contact my state liaison and proceed from there.

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