I have friends and colleages swear that it really is easier to pass when the pass rates are lower Q4-Q1. And that is when they save the hardest or longest parts (REG/FAR). I took my sections throughout the year without regard to the pass rates. And I would echo what BHDave10 said. Just worry about your own studying, and not what others are doing or what the pass rates are for each quarter. If your studying is going well and you're consistently scoring well on practice tests at home, then you should do fine.
I had one friend schedule FAR in Q1 during busy season because he insisted that it would be easier to pass in that quarter due to lower pass rates. But judging from how tired he looked every day, I don't think that studying for FAR and working 75+ hours a week during busy season was really any easier than taking the exam in any other quarter. He did pass. But it wasn't like he slacked on studying just because he thought it would be easier to pass in Q1. I honeslty think he would have passed either way considering how many all nighters he pulled and how hard he studied.
I'd advise to just schedule exams when your time and readiness permits. That's just my opnion tho. Good luck!
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Licensed-May 2013!