Do You Get Points for Using Formulas in Sim Spreadsheets?

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by jgod.
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  • #1272817

    I doubt it. I’m assuming they just look at the answer and the spreadsheets are there as tools to help you answer the questions.

    I don’t want to freak anyone out about this. It’s just a thought I had.

    Would it be all that difficult to assign points to that?

    How many people use formulas and how helpful is it to use them?

    I use them but only with the basic math operators and a cell reference here and there.

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  • #1272874

    If they had full Excel, I would partially agree. But, at least last I saw, their spreadsheet program had limited functionality, so I could see many people preferring to use a calculator that they knew what to expect out of instead of a spreadsheet that may or may not do what you tell it to.

    But…at the same time, even though I am a spreadsheet junkie (I use Excel to add up numbers instead of a desktop calculator, always…), I guess getting the right answer should be what counts, not how you get to it. Thank goodness this isn't like school again – “Show your work. Answers without proper work will not receive full credit.” If I can figure half of it in my head, why do I need to spend 10 minutes writing it out for you?!? hahaha


    Yes, the spreadsheet is very limited. I'm no Excel wiz, but it doesn't seem like you can do much with it.

    After reading the SSO, I'm leaning on the side that they do give points for using formulas. That is still just speculation on my part.

    My first 2 sections I used them, I'll use them again for the other 2. Couldn't hurt, and you never know.

    Lol, these exams are really getting to me.

    AUD- 99 (6/8/16)
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