Do they provide scrap papers at the exam center? - Page 2

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  • #195435

    I am new to the process. I am going to take BEC next month. My question is, do they provide scrap papers? or anything to write on? Thank you for the input.

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  • #682157

    Id be happy with toilet paper and a crayon based on what they give you. dont forget to put the cap back on the marker or it will dry out…unbelievable!!

    FAR. Feb 2014 76
    REG. Jan 2015 79 half way there!!
    BEC. Feb 2015 79 thank you God!!
    AUD. Apr 20, 2015 and will be done. Hold that thought 65, 7/14/15 85!
    Ok where was I? Oh thats right now I'm Done!!!!!!!!!
    Ethics 92!!

    "You down wit SEC?, yeah you know me!!!"

    Cali Candidate

    All Becker Materials, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja audio, Ninja MCQ, Ninja Notes


    Yeah i barely used the slimy paper for audit. FAR is where i used it the most

    FAR. Feb 2014 76
    REG. Jan 2015 79 half way there!!
    BEC. Feb 2015 79 thank you God!!
    AUD. Apr 20, 2015 and will be done. Hold that thought 65, 7/14/15 85!
    Ok where was I? Oh thats right now I'm Done!!!!!!!!!
    Ethics 92!!

    "You down wit SEC?, yeah you know me!!!"

    Cali Candidate

    All Becker Materials, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja audio, Ninja MCQ, Ninja Notes


    My testing center had fine-tip pens that I was able to erase just rubbing it with the tip of my finger.


    Also, the glossy sheets have a bold grid on them like graph paper, which IMO makes them completely useless!

    I don't think I wrote a single thing on them during FAR, wrote out the CRIME pneumonic for BEC and for REG just used it to keep track of how many MCQs I flagged in each testlet.

    And definitely cap the pens between use!!


    My FAR test had very little leases and bonds, which is probably why I almost never used the sheets. I used them more for BEC actually, but even then I didn't fill up even one full sheet.

    BEC - 82
    REG - 86
    FAR - 85
    AUD - 84 and I'm out!!!!!
    Ethics - 95
    In Skynet's Honor:
    Act I: Shutdown Skynet and prevent Judgment Day.
    Act II: Add a comma and three letters to my title.
    Act III: Time Travel and marry a young Denise Richards (and prevent subsequent plastic surgery),return to present.
    Act IV: Serve as Successor to Elon Musk as CEO of Tesla.
    Act V: Ensure Judgment Day has been stopped. Utopia achieved.


    They give you two glossy sheets to write on with dry-erase markers, except dry-erase doesn't work well. It's gross but I just cleaned it off with saliva because I was in a rush and had no time to request more.

    CPA (MN) officially NOW DONE AS OF 8/4/15:
    * FAR – 79 (11/2014)
    * BEC – 82 (1/2013; lapsed 2014), 71 (10/2014), 83 (7/11/15)
    * REG – 89 (11/2012; lapsed 2014), 79 (10/2014)
    * AUD – 74 (11/2013), 72 (4/2014), 89 (8/2014)

    Ethics - 91 (7/15/15)

    Used CPA Excel Silver and CPA Excel Iphone App. From 2012 to mid-2014 I was also in law school fulltime while working fulltime.

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