Cumulative Average of 95.5 but no Elijah Watt Sells Award - Page 4

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  • #179086

    Many of you may be familiar with the famous Elijah Watt Sells Award. It is probably the most sought after and most respected award given in the accounting profession. Last year 39 out of 92,000 candidates or .04% won the Sells Award. The award is so respected that some firms, including mine, give a $20k bonus to any employee winning the award.

    The award is bestowed upon candidates who have obtained a cumulative average score ABOVE 95.50 across all four sections of the Uniform CPA Examination, completed testing during the 2013 calendar year and passed all four sections of the Examination on their first attempt. What annoys me is many websites including Becker’s website states that the award is given to candidates averaging 95.5% or higher. But obviously this has not merit

    Yesterday I received my grade for AUD, my last exam section. I received a 99. A score that I really did not expect and although I was happy about this it’s bittersweet. This brought my cumulative average to EXACTLY 95.5%. In the 99th percentile and borderline EWS award, but close does not mean anything. It’s very discouraging and this is pretty much me venting.

    I plan to talk to as many people as I can about this issue. Im curious how common it really is. I am also going to try and see If I can appeal my lowest score BEC. Hoping that a review of my writing section could increase my score. (Please God)

    Anyways, I am happy to be done with this journey, took me about 7 months while going to Grad School to complete the exam. Although very time consuming, this beast is doable. Good luck to everyone! Hopefully there will be a miracle and I will somehow win the EWS award. I have always dreamt about winning this award, and not even for the check. Ill keep this thread updated as I took to various people at the AICPA, State Board, and NASBA

    REG - 95
    FAR - 96
    BEC - 92
    AUD - 99


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  • #586038

    Yes very true! To borrow a few quotes from Russell Wilson, “There's no time to sleep” and “seperation is in the preparation”. I'd say Scott demonstrated pure dedication with those high scores!


    @js929 10am-4am – we're not exaggerating or anything haha. I usually left the library by 1am, 2am on special occasions. I possibly wouldve done better with BEC if it wasnt for certain professors piling on last minute reports and my friends pulling the YOLO card on me lol.

    Sorry i've been meaning to write out my study plan for you guys ill def get around to it so keep a look out for it! I'll also keep you guys posted when I hear back from NASBA

    REG - 95
    FAR - 96
    BEC - 92
    AUD - 99



    $20k is totally worth fighting for!

    Ignore anybody giving you bitter responses – they need to grow up anyway.

    F - 86
    R - 90
    A - 97
    B - 91


    I rescind my earlier statement about being thankful and moving on. I thought he was going to call/email/complain about it … didn't realize he was going to follow through and pay for a rescore. That's money well spent in this case.


    @gobias thank you and congrats on being done! You have some great scores!

    @Jeff I realize and understand that the requirements for the reward are very clear. We're all accountants here and we all know that ABOVE 95.5 means ABOVE 95.5. NASBA and the AICPA have been very blunt at telling me that given my current average I will not win the EWS award so it cant hurt to go through with the score review. At this point ive done all that I can do and I will never have to wonder “what if.” Everyone at NASBA, AICPA, and NYSB were extremely helpful and understanding with my situation. All were very responsive and we got everything put into place rather quickly given the unique circumstances.

    REG - 95
    FAR - 96
    BEC - 92
    AUD - 99



    As others have said, you made the right decision. No harm in following an available, prescribed process that will let you put it to rest one way or the other, without any future regrets about ‘what if…'

    You're living my current biggest fear so I don't envy you! If I came that close to borderline, I'd be mental! Sadly BEC felt like a major disappointment for me last week, so I don't think I'm gonna be in the zone, but at least I'll be spared from the less-than-a-percent agony lol.

    Good luck!!

    REG 95 Aug '12
    FAR 95 Dec '12
    AUD 99 Apr '13
    BEC 94 Jul '13
    CA PETH 94 Oct '13


    I'm sure it won't be that big of a drop off (if at all) higher_flyer.


    Thanks, Jeff. You rock. Fingers crossed.

    REG 95 Aug '12
    FAR 95 Dec '12
    AUD 99 Apr '13
    BEC 94 Jul '13
    CA PETH 94 Oct '13


    @higher_flyer We have exactly the same average running up to the final score release! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

    @Scottso990 Did they give you a timeframe for when they would get back to you about the rescore?? Good luck!!!!

    I haven't told any of my friends my scores for the CPA exam so far, I'm so nervous REG will be a total letdown – but I feel the anonymity of this message board allows me to vent a little about my nerves!

    AUD - 99 (5/2013)
    BEC - 93 (5/2013)
    FAR - 97 (7/2013)
    REG - 94 (8/2013)


    I just missed that 95.5….damn….lol

    Although my scores mignt not be worthy of a 20k bonus, i feel some sort of recognition is deserved…..consistency??

    OP hope it works out for you


    @Scottso – go for it man. you worked for it. you deserve it. good luck!!!

    REG:79- 12/5
    CAL Candidate


    @higher_flyer – BEC was the only exam I came out feeling there was a chance that I failed because it was so incredibly random, I wouldn't worry about it, im sure you're in the 90s. Hopefully you either got a 92 or 94 though lol

    @Beavis – In the end we all have the same 3 letters after our name, passing is passing congratulations!

    @txcpa – I was told be the end of the week but I figured that was way too soon. Maybe thats when the AICPA will return the report to NASBA and then I have to wait to hear from them. We will see. I have a friend at my school with the same exact scores as you so far. Im rooting for you im sure you'll get it!

    REG - 95
    FAR - 96
    BEC - 92
    AUD - 99



    txcpa13, I know!! We're both in this together lol. Thinking good thoughts until scores are released in a couple of weeks!!

    Scottso990, yeah hopefully the 94 though!! Thanks for the boost man.

    REG 95 Aug '12
    FAR 95 Dec '12
    AUD 99 Apr '13
    BEC 94 Jul '13
    CA PETH 94 Oct '13


    I'm glad but also sad that I ran into this post. I just took my last exam (FAR), and thought I needed a 98 to get the award. That unfortunately would take my average to the dreaded 95.5. So now it looks like I need a 99, and given that I essentially guessed my way through three of the simulations, there's no chance of that happening. Really I will be glad to just pass, but being at a Big 4 that pays a bonus, the thought of the extra cash was always nice. Maybe better to just pass and get a 76 on FAR so it's not even close.

    I think more precious than the money is getting part of my life back… trying to work the Big 4 hours while getting this test done has been MISERABLE.

    BEC - 90 (4/2013)
    REG - 96 (5/2013)
    AUD - 98 (5/2013)
    FAR - 95 (8/2013)


    From what I hear only PwC pays the bonus, am I right?

    @txbrcpa your scores are still amazing!!! Good luck with the FAR result on the 22nd!

    AUD - 99 (5/2013)
    BEC - 93 (5/2013)
    FAR - 97 (7/2013)
    REG - 94 (8/2013)

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