Credit Expiration and Closing of Testing Window - Page 4

  • This topic has 48 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by G3.
  • Creator
  • #183107

    My REG credit expires 2/22/14 if I do not pass AUD. Is it possible to still schedule an exam before this testing window closes (given it takes several days for application, payment coupon, and NTS as well as the fact that it expires on a Saturday)?

    In my experience the entire process from application to NTS takes anywhere from 3 to 6 days.

    Or do I just wait until 3/1/14 rolls around and reschedule both REG and AUD?

    It the former is possible, I will study REG as soon as I get my AUD score and sit for it the last day of the window.

    3XBEC:75 * 4XREG:82 * 4XFAR:76 * 7XAUD:77

    “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt

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  • Author
  • #508645

    I will lose the credit Feb 22nd (2/22)

    3XBEC:75 * 4XREG:82 * 4XFAR:76 * 7XAUD:77

    “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt


    Thank you everyone for the kind words and prayers…I am estatic to report that I PASSED!!!! 🙂

    3XBEC:75 * 4XREG:82 * 4XFAR:76 * 7XAUD:77

    “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt


    Thank you everyone for the kind words and prayers…I am estatic to report that I PASSED!!!! 🙂

    3XBEC:75 * 4XREG:82 * 4XFAR:76 * 7XAUD:77

    “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt

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