Credit expiration

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  • #179889

    Hello Jeff

    I really need your help to clarify me on my situation. I passed the exam AUD (76) expires 08/30/2013. I passed the exams FAR (81) and REG (75). It only remains for me BEC with the following scores 64/69/71/69/67. I had scheduled for 08/13/2013 but unfortunately I broke two fingers of my right hand so that I had to postpone for 08/28/13. My question is if I passed the exam BEC 08/28/13 AUD is what will be considered expired because I will have the result of BEC in September 2013 or I have a chance to validate the 4 exams.

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  • #435985

    I'm not Jeff, but it's based on when you take the exams. So if you take BEC on 8/28 and pass, you'll keep your AUD score. 🙂

    Sorry to hear about your fingers, though. That sucks! 🙁


    baoule – if you pass BEC on 8/28 you'll be okay. Good luck!

    B: 75
    R: 80
    A: 77
    F: 81
    Ethics: 84, 92 and done!
    Licensed in California


    I'm a bit confused (but not complaining!). My FAR score report showed that I have credit for FAR until 3/31/2015, but I took the exam on July 16th. I thought it was an 18-month rule, not a 20-month rule.



    In some states the expiration date is the end of the quarter in which the 18 months ends. That appears to be the case in your state.


    Wow thats sweet!


    Thank you all for your help. I passed the exam on 08/28 and here I am waiting for the results I think Monday or Tuesday. Now that the prayers of the prayers and positive focus. Thanks again Lilla and Evesocal for your quick response as a NINJA.

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