CPA Exam Score Transfer – Lose credit in transferring state?

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  • #1549425

    Hello guys,

    I am just curious as to when you transfer your CPA exam scores to another state do you lose credit in the state from which you are transferring from?

    Or do you then retain credit in both states, given the other states accepts the scores?


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  • #1549519

    no they dont transfer u have to retake the exams in the state u are transferring to.


    im kidding btw of course not


    Do you mean after passing but before being licensed?

    Or after being licensed?

    Regardless, I transferred my scores from jurisdiction 1 in which I was testing to jurisdiction 2 in which I ultimately got licensed with no problem.



    Thanks for the responses but I actually meant if you lose scores from the state you are transferring from.

    For instance:

    You passed exams in MA and transfer to TX. Will you lose credit in MA if you transfer the scores to TX?


    Also been curious about this. I sit for IL currently, but MA is the only non-reporting license issuer, so I'm looking to transfer over. I don't know what happens to my IL records once I transfer to MA, given that MA will accept the transfer. Will IL still have my scores in a way that I can also apply for licensing in IL, or will those scores (transferred out to MA) become obsolete?


    Whenever you apply for a license, you generally have to submit an entire packet from scratch. Each jurisdiction is different. NASBA has the scores in their database. When they submit scores to the jurisdiction, they have a page that displays every exam you ever took whether you passed or failed.

    Regarding CPA exam scores expiring, some states are weird about this: some say you'll lose credit after 3 or 5 years after not being licensed but having passed them. Others say you need to do CPE and they won't expire. However, most states don't have an expiration. If this happens, get licensed in one state and apply for license by reciprocity. If you run into any troubles, file a petition with the board.


    This is what I heard back from Illinois Board today.

    [After the transfer-out] Your scores are never invalidated because they don’t expire if you pass all four tests … We will always be in possession of your exam history.

    I read this as they will always have that record of your scores and won't invalidate them. But for what purpose those records would be useful, I don't know.

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