Can someone clear up the the application/scheduling process for me?

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  • #172367

    I’m trying to apply for the CPA exam for the first time and all these different deadlines and scheduling processes are confusing me. I am taking the exam in California.

    I have submitted my first time application fee along with a $100 payment for that fee so I am waiting for them to confirm and approve my application.

    From what I understand, after they approve my application, I would be able to select the sections that I want to take. At this point, I want to take all 4 of them, but in separate windows. I want to take the FAR exam in early October and the AUD exam in late November. I also want to make sure I pass those exams before moving on to others. During this step, do I just select FAR and AUD and then resubmit another application when I want to take REG and BEC?

    After that, I would receive the NTS. I have 9 months to schedule and pass the exams the exams that I paid for and for this first time, it would be FAR and AUD. If I fail any part of the those exams (I HOPE THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN), can I immediately schedule the same exam again using the same NTS? I know I can’t retake the same exam in the same testing window.

    Besides the questions that I asked, do I have everything correct? Again, this is for California. Thanks.

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  • #359392

    If you need to retake a section that you didn't pass, you need to buy a new NTS. It basically expires on the day you use it.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Oh, ok.


    Also as an FYI, October and November are the same testing window. You said you wanted to take all 4 in seperate testing windows then went on to say you'd like to take FAR in October and AUD in November. The testing window is the same as a calendar quarter, so Oct/Nov is a window with a blackout month of Dec. (basically if I had failed an exam on Oct 1, it would be Jan 1 before I could retake it).

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Err sorry, I didn't clarify that part well enough. I don't want to take all 4 in the same window, but I am willing to take 2 in each window.

    If everything goes right, I plan to take:

    FAR in early October

    AUD in late November

    REG in mid or late January

    BEC in late February or in April

    I don't want to jump too far ahead though so I'm thinking for my first NTS, I should just schedule for the FAR and AUD exams. Once I know I passed those exams, I'll get another NTS to schedule REG and BEC. Is this a good plan? How did you guys schedule your exams? Do you just schedule all 4 exams and try to take them before going back if you didn't pass or do you just go ahead and retake that part as soon as possible?


    I have the same question! What did you end up doing??

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