Are you allowed to walk outside of the testring center during a CPA test? - Page 2

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  • #191043

    During my first 3 attempts at taking the CPA test, I asked the Prometric worker whether or not I would be able to leave the center on one of my breaks (in case I needed to go to my car and just sit and get some fresh air, or something to eat). The worker said if I needed to, it wouldn’t be a problem. Fast forward a few months – new Prometric staff, same question, but their answer is an absolute no – I cannot walk out the door or I will not be able to come back in.

    Does anyone know what the rules are regarding this situation? Trolling through the NASBA website has proven ineffective. BTW I am a New York candidate.

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  • #636621

    It's entirely up to the Prometric staff. Even if you get dozens of replies here that say otherwise if the Prometric staff says no, that's the only answer you need.

    Also if it's something you've already done 3x but still feel compelled to ask then there was some suspicion that it wasn't ok.

    Either way I'm not sure NASBA has any discretion here, even if NASBA doesn't specifically prohibit going outside, Prometric still can. They're always entitled to add their own rules-just like NASBA doesn't specify metal detectors but if your Prometric has them you have to be scanned.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I took a 10-15min walk between MCQs and sims, about 10-15min on every exam.

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    Often times I would show up with a 6 pack to split with the Prometricers. Totally cool way to take a break.

    REG- (1) 76
    FAR- (2) 64, (5)74, (7)83 (Over achiever!)
    AUD- (3) 70, (4) 75
    BEC- (6) 75


    It is only 3- 4 hours of time. Try to get done early so that way you can go sit in your car and eat something without the weight of having to get back in there ASAP.


    Really, some of the comments here. Were they necessary?

    I wouldn't go outside but I am a fan of taking breaks. I took a 3-5 minute break after each testlet to eat something (usually a snack bar) and to also go to the restroom. Our brains work hard in there and need some calories to get them through. And how can we concentrate on a question if our stomach is grumbling and we need to go to the bathroom? I learned all this the hard way after REG. By the time I hit the SIMS I couldn't even think straight. I still am so eternally grateful for my 75.

    Note that my testing centers weren't busy so this all wasn't really too difficult.

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