Are you allowed to walk outside of the testring center during a CPA test?

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  • #191043

    During my first 3 attempts at taking the CPA test, I asked the Prometric worker whether or not I would be able to leave the center on one of my breaks (in case I needed to go to my car and just sit and get some fresh air, or something to eat). The worker said if I needed to, it wouldn’t be a problem. Fast forward a few months – new Prometric staff, same question, but their answer is an absolute no – I cannot walk out the door or I will not be able to come back in.

    Does anyone know what the rules are regarding this situation? Trolling through the NASBA website has proven ineffective. BTW I am a New York candidate.

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  • #636605

    I have always been told we are not allowed to leave the building…I honestly think it depends on the staff and how lenient they are on the rules. I never take breaks, so I never worried about it honestly.

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016


    There's no way I would waste that much of my valuable time by walking to my car or getting a bite to eat. For every one of my exams, I worked until my time was almost entirely expired (3-5 minutes). Do you want to get your non-passing score and wish that you wouldn't have taken that 15 minute break to go to your car?

    A quick bathroom break, if you can't hold it, sure. But if you need to just take a moment to yourself, why not just do it right there at your testing cubicle? Just sit back and close your eyes and take some deep breathes and relax.

    On crowded testing days, I've seen people get hung up in the check out/check in process for a break and lose precious time.

    And for my Prometric site, the bathroom is outside of the Prometric suite and down the hall, so they would never know if you left the building or not.

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 80
    REG - 86
    FAR - 83


    Tripp, I am so happy for you that you don't care for fresh air when taking a CPA test. What a fascinating take on this.

    Back to the question…


    I've been told not to leave the floor (like Tripp, the bathrooms are outside the Prometric suite). Honestly, I wouldn't risk pissing off prometric. It seems like a lot of what they do is up to their discretion. I remember someone posting on here awhile ago that they got written up for going to their locker and turning off their cell phone. Walking out of the building just seems like a terrible idea.


    Per number 15 of the prometric testing center regulations:

    Your test may have either scheduled or unscheduled breaks which are determined by your test sponsor. The TCA can inform you what is specifically permitted during these breaks.

    Per the 2014 Candidate Bulletin:


    Each examination section contains units known as testlets. Each testlet is comprised of either a group of multiple-choice questions, a group of condensed case studies (known as task-based simulations), or a group of written communication tasks. (See exam section table for more information.) After indicating that you have completed a testlet, you will be presented with the option to take a break. You will receive this option between testlets. If you choose to take a break, you will be asked to leave the testing room quietly. You will be asked for a fingerprint to verify your identification prior to and upon returning from your break. The test center staff will confirm you have completed the testlet prior to your break. Breaks are considered a part of the testing process, so the testing clock will continue to run during breaks. You do not have to take a break. The clock will keep running during the break. Therefore, it is recommended that you use break time wisely. When you return from a break, you will be required to enter your Launch Code in order to continue the examination. Note that breaks lasting more than ten minutes will be reported to your Board of Accountancy. You will not be allowed to take a break at any other time during the examination. If you leave the testing room at any time, without exiting the testlet and selecting the break option, you will not be allowed to return to the testing room. Information regarding your absence will be reported to your Board of Accountancy.

    Since neither of these are clear whether or not leaving the center is allowed you should try calling NASBA and asking them what the specific rule is about that (I have heard of people going outside for a quick smoke break, but it may depend on state rules): 866-MY-NASBA (866-696-2722)

    FAR- 84 (August 2014)
    REG- 85 (November 2013)
    AUD- 85 (January 2014)
    BEC- 83 (May 2014)


    Why don't you just call your test center and ask?

    317 CLUB


    Or why not call NASBA and try asking them.

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 80
    REG - 86
    FAR - 83


    And did you really HiYa! your own post? LOL

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 80
    REG - 86
    FAR - 83


    My Prometric won't allow it, but even if they did, it's a little risky IMO. There could be a line to get checked back in and I took every minute of 3 of my exams (all but BEC) to search through the AL looking for answers. I have had to take a break twice and I was practically running to the bathroom to try not to waste too much time. I guess it depends on the Prometric workers, but like other posters have said, someone got in trouble for going to their locker. Why risk it?

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!


    I don't know the official rule, but for my last exam I did take a very brief trip outdoors. My Prometric was slow enough that there was no risk of a line to get back in.


    Reading this I totally invision Prometric Ninja's ready to jump out from behind bushes if you step outside and scare you with their little ninja stars until you go back in. The prometric I went to was super laid back, so I think I could have went outside but I didn't. I put food in my locker and water and only went out once to get a drink. I was scared to touch my cell phone.


    its totally allowed, you should go outside, have a beer then come back, worked every single time

    FAR - Aug 2013 Passed
    REG - DEC 2013 Passed
    BEC - FEB 2014 Passed
    AUD - MAY 2014 Passed

    BSEE = who needs accounting degree to pass CPA exams?


    Such answers. Much wow


    AUD - 93
    BEC - 80
    REG - 86
    FAR - 83


    You can get all the fresh air you want after the exam is finished. Why would you want to leave the facility when you are into the test for hundreds of dollars?

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