Appeal worth it?

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  • #189828

    I am considering an Appeal, I realize that it was probably graded properly but I just felt like my REG exam went very well and really want to be assured there was no computer glitch etc. If I did mess up big time the appeal would also give me more insight on to what I am doing poorly on versus the generic weak comparable strong attachment in the email.

    What are your thoughts? Has anyone tried this before?

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  • #616835

    Consensus says no. There's no known record of anyone having a score overturned. If you're going to spend the money, spend it on a retake.

    If you search the forum, I think there are a few threads that debate the issue.


    I would advise against it.

    Multiple Choice Questions are MCQs. It's either you got it right or wrong. There's no debate or dispute involved.

    So the only section that's left to the appeal process is the SIMs.

    Research Questions, it's either you cited the correct section or you didn't.

    Some SIMs, you can use AL and answer the SIMs almost word for word.

    But other than those two, some SIMs can be highly subjective. Unless, you really want to spend the time and resources, just so you can find out what you got right or wrong in the SIMs section, I think you should just move on and prepare for the retake. There's no guarantee that you will be getting similar questions for your next exam anyway.

    FAR - 86
    REG - 85
    BEC - 90
    AUD - 84


    A hundred times no. You're better off studying more. Don't waste your money and frustration.


    No one has ever one an appeal. Plus it's like $200 and takes a few months. Which is around what you will pay for a retake and study time. Don't bother

    Ninja Juice

    Im gonna be devils advocate and tell you to maybe go for it. I HAVE NEVER saw anyone say that actually did it and it was a waste of time..I've Only saw persons say how much of a waste of time it was.

    I got alot of 74s n 73s before passing fars n aud and always wondered the samething. Perhaps the warnings was put out there to deter anyone from considering you never know..

    Be encouraged though keep pushing


    No. A resounding ‘no'.


    I don't know if it would be worth it for you to submit the appeal and wait a few months to get a response that will probably not be in your favor. However, I do remember that either last year or in 2012 there were some people that were contacted and told that exams that they had failed were actually graded wrong and they had indeed passed. I remember Jeff looking into it because we all thought it was a hoax. So, maybe there is hope.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    From personal experience, I appealed a score a few years ago and my score did not change.

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 80
    REG - 86
    FAR - 83


    Just FYI, you will gain no insight even if you choose to appeal. You will simply be told “yes we used the correct grading matrix”. Be assured that most of us find a huge disconnect between how we think we did and how we actually did. Part of that disconnect is that we think we got 90% correct but this exam is not graded by % correct.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I don't think I've heard of anyone's score changing after appeal… unfortunately

    BEC - ✔
    REG - ✔
    AUD - ✔
    FAR - 11/29/14

    CPAExcel, Ninja MCQs, and a sh*t ton of coffee

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