Ambiguous Wording on CPA Simulations

  • Creator
  • #1317182

    Hello forum,

    Obviously I cannot go into details, but I just took the FAR exam today. I was cruising along until I ran into the simulations. Two out of the seven simulations were worded in such a way that I did not know exactly how to proceed or what they were looking for. I thought this quite unfair, especially with so much on the line.

    I did not think much of it until I got my confirmation for attendance report. In there it stated that if a person had an issue with a question that they could either fax or mail a letter detailing the issue. It was funny in the directions that they said not to give the question or too much detail. They really take that privacy stuff serious, even when their questions are jacked-up.

    My question is whether it does any good to write or fax them. Or is it a fruitless effort and just a big waste of time. I just feel like they are up in their ivory castles looking down upon their peasants. Also, they have written the exam themselves and approved it, so they will probably not be impartial when reading the question as a test taker.

    Also, if you think it is worth the effort, which way is best (fax or mail). I am leaning towards mailing it with a signature requested for receipt. This might give a little more attention to the issue.

    I look forward to your responses. OK, time to decompress and have a few Guinness.

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  • Author
  • #1317188

    Don't worry about it, you probably passed.


    Whether I passed or not is irrelevant. If a question is worded poorly, don't you think I have the ethical responsibility to point it out? There are a lot of other people that have spent 100s of hours studying, and this could affect them.


    Remember, one is pretested.

    BEC 10/29/16
    FAR 11/26/16


    I am surprised no one on the forum has ever thought a question or problem was written poorly. I realize that there are pretest questions and that I might still have passed; however, I personally think it is important to communicate problems to the AICPA.

    I faxed off yesterday my issues to them, so we will see what happens. My guess is that I will never receive a reply, but if it helps someone in the future then it will be worth it.


    John I agree with you. I took my Far exam in October and failed with a 72 because of the Simulations, I felt the same as you walking out.

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