AICPA complain

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  • #1450964

    Hi friends,

    I had my FAR exam yesterday and noted that one SIM did not explain how to insert figures for expenses: with “+” or with “-“. It was not clear from the context either.
    Since this exam is checked by computer a correct answer may not pass due to this uncertainty.

    AICPA does not provide an email for such situations, they are playing 20th century: “comments about test questions and simulations should be sent by fax or by ordinary mail” within 4 days after test. I am a foreign applicant and do not have an opportunity to send comments by fax or post. I will try to find a way though…

    If you encounter same ambiguity issues please mail them questions! This may save several valuable points to your buddies who get same MCQ or SIMs.


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  • Author
  • #1450977

    I'm not doubting the validity of your claim, but you could have missed it in the heat of testing.

    I remember a similar occurrence during my AUD exam, but it was in the instructions in small text. I just missed it because I just wanted to get started on the SIMS.


    AICPA replied quite quickly, so hope it's going to be fine.


    I am curious to know what AICPA's reply was.

    AUD 7/6/16 Passed
    BEC 9/3/16


    Hi Namstut,

    The answer was nice:
    The AICPA Examinations Team would like to thank you for the time you took to contact us regarding your experience with the Uniform CPA Examination.
    It is our policy to consider every observation and investigate every reported problem. Please be assured that as part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining high standards and quality in the development and scoring of the examination, all candidate letters and e-mails are reviewed by the appropriate staff to determine what effect the concern may have had on the examination. If a flaw or problem is identified, necessary action is taken to correct it for all affected candidates.
    We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that the secure nature of the exam precludes the Examinations Team from discussing the eventual outcome of our reviews or providing specific information about a test question, the answer key, or the scoring of the exam.
    Again, we appreciate the time you took to advise us of your testing concerns. Candidate comments provide us with valuable perspective on examination content and help the three testing partners, NASBA, AICPA, and Prometric, to enhance the testing experience for all candidates. We trust the information we have provided you is helpful and wish you much success in your endeavors.
    This means just one thing – they they have read my message because I sent it by fax and they replied by email.
    Anyway I suppose everything is going to be all right with this, they are serious people.

    Mind if I ask you, why you gave a Ukrainian flag?


    Thank you for posting this. But it is a very generic answer, and unfortunately, to address the problem they would have to review all SIMs to ensure they provide a clear guidance for candidates. This would not be an easy fix.

    And the Ukrainian flag is the flag of my homeland.

    AUD 7/6/16 Passed
    BEC 9/3/16


    There's only one thing for sure, they received your message. The response is definitely a standard cookie cutter reply.

    Good luck but I wouldn't expect any changes.

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