74 on BEC, Appeal?????

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  • #161926

    Ok so I received my score for BEC and it was a 74. This is my last section of the CPA. I feel I did really strong on the written communucation part. Should I appeal this? The process seems very confusing. On the NASBA website it says I would have to go to Nashville to appeal. Ideally I would like to appeal my written communication part and them give me the extra point. Then they say a score has NEVER been reversed. Its seems like a long process as well. It also seems that I could take the BEC exam in the Oct/Nov window and find out my results before the results of my appeal. Just wanted to see people’s thoughts on this. Has anyone ever heard of an appeal working? Out of all the tests it seems that BEC would have the best chance of being overturned. But I dont have any hope for this to work, have already started studying again…….

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  • Author
  • #300665

    Appeals are never successful. It's a complete waste of time and money…just get right back to studying….maybe supplement your review course with more questions (eg Wiley, cpareviewforfree.com etc.)…you're almost there!


    Big J I also got a 74 in AUD for my last test as well. I am curious, on your feedback, how did it say you did on the sims and MC? I was told I was comparable for both. Seems odd that if I were comparable to those you passed in both MC and Sims, that somehow I did not pass.


    Never appeal. Take that money and buy yourself a nice steak dinner – you'll get way more satisfaction out of that.

    FAR: 84
    AUD: 95
    REG: 78
    BEC: 88
    ETHICS: 100


    Dont appeal, you're gonna jeopardize your other parts by a few months waiting. Just suck it up and take BEC again


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