What happens if…

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  • #157388

    What happens if you miss your appointment to take the exam?

    I’m just simply not ready for BEC, which I have scheduled for tomorrow and my NTS runs out tomorrow as well.

    If I don’t show up, will I get a zero, have to pay a cancellation fee, etc.?

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  • #218254

    Why don't you take it anyway? A low score won't be held against you (except to say you didn't pass the first try for all parts). Back on the old exam if you scored too low you had to show you took review classes or something like that but not anymore. You can't get a refund this late so it's all paid for anyway so the only thing you are going to lose is a couple hours of your time but you might get some insight of the questions you need to work on more. It won't be the same test the next time but might show you some places you need to work on. To me a good part of the anxiety of these tests is the not knowing what to expect.


    I agree – the money is spent, so go take the test and get a feel for the type of questions to expect for BEC.


    you could pass BEC if you got a business degree you might be surprised

    83 Reg, 76 BEC, 94 Aud, 79 Far

    Done ......!


    I am with everyone else. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by taking the exam. Failing AUD my first time, helped me the second time around. There is only upside to taking the exam since you are expecting to fail it anyway.


    I strongly suggest that you take it,,, i'm sure you studied something..

    You have nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain if you do..

    Good Luck!


    Take it. There's not even an argument for not taking it.



    There are very few people who actually feel prepared for the exam….i always feel like if i had one more day…one more hour for that matter….i could have done better! And i'm sure there are many people out there like me! Go ahead and take the test!! I never expected I'd pass FAR, wasnt prepared for it…but i did! So you never know. And like everybody said, you have nothing to loose.

    Loads and loads of good wishes!

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