Took BEC today… - Page 2

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  • #162327

    Ok, just got back from my BEC test today. The first testlet was ok. Not too shabby. But Testlets 2 and 3 were brutal. I feel so abused by the AICPA right now. Testlet 1 was straighforward and basic. But then Testlet 2 came along and I was in agony. The theory questions became very dense in wording and the calculation questions were just too much.

    I have better feeling about this because at least the testlets got harder. With REG, I was lost from the beginning and I knew I bombed. But this, I have mixed feelings. Did I pass? Possibly. Did I kick butt? Possibly. Did I fail? Possibly. My grade could be anything. My test experience with BEC was about the same as FAR. Only there’s a rumor that BEC is not curved as much, so there’s a good chance that my grade could be significantly lower. Who knows? I’ll just have to wait and see. With the new change in the score release dates, I have no idea when to expect my score.

    Now, as I wait for my BEC results, I’m off to restudy for REG. But all I have to say is…. do not underestimate BEC. Those difficult questions are extremely brutal. No joke!

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  • #304647

    @gottagetmycpa- I used Yaeger, the Wiley book, and the Gleim software. I'll let you know in a month or two if they worked.


    I think in all the 4 sections that I have taken, BEC was managable. Many questions I have not seen or topics that I've read in Becker or Wiley, but not so much in depth showed up. I spent a lot of time in calculation type of questions. But on my real exam, I had a lot of conceptual questions. But I end up passing with a good score.

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