The night before your exam?

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  • #158180

    What are some of the things you all do the night before taking the exam?? I am taking BEC Tuesday am and was wanting some good study tips for Monday night?

    I wish it was like being in college where you studied until 10 pm and then hit the bars!!

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  • #234105

    Lightly review the day before. Try not to get worked up.

    I make my family a big dinner after work so I have something else on which to focus.

    Go to bed fairly early with a full belly. Don't even look at the material after 6 pm!


    For me — I review the things that I want to be fresh in my mind. Focus on reviewing things you know to build confidence. If you don't know it the night before it is not going to happen. I printout MCQ when I have trouble with them during my study – I go over some of these. Mostly – just build up my confidence and try to relax.

    Always make sure I go to bed and can get 8 hrs sleep! A clear head is worth so much more than last minute cramming for me.

    I also make sure that I have printout of NTS, Prometric printout and IDs ready – I put these in my purse. Also directions to the testing site.


    i have a beer or 2 while reviewing notes… do whatever helps you relax

    FAR-87; AUD-89; BEC-85; BEC-84


    I have FAR tomorrow.

    Came to Malibu with my wife. She went to the beach, I'm at a Starbucks by the beach finishing my Final Review. Nice compromise.

    Maybe tonight I'll take the Final Exam #2 in Becker.

    Tomorrow my test is at 2pm and I won't do anything, sleeping as late as I could and saving all my mental energies for the exam. Tomorrow night I have a birthday party at a fancy club in Hollywood, and then starting Tuesday morning I have 13 days to prepare for AUD…

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    13 days for AUD?! Yikes, good luck. Mnemonics will be your best friend, I'll tell you that.



    We'll see. Never done auditing in my life, but I have a great memory (thanks Mom), so maybe that will help. Plus, I'm studying full-time.

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    Is it your birthday party?


    Nope, it's my wife's friend's birthday. She's an (aspiring) actress who came to LA so the crowd will be good, plus it's a nice club at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood. I'll just take advantage 🙂

    My birthday is actually the day after I take REG….thought about taking the test in Vegas, but no luck with that!

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95




    Make sure you have everything you need – NTS, ID, snacks, comfy clothes. And fill up your car with gas or whatever if you're driving. You want everything before you arrive to the exam to be as mundane and drama-free as possible!

    I really can't pass again!


    I am a little different than the other “posters” i guess, I cram. All I do is study the week before… aside from work or school (whichever was applicable at the time). I do agree to try and get some sleep the night before. Make sure no sleeping in late, naps, or caffeine the day before. I even review some things day of the test (I always test at 1:00) but everyone is different. You will find your own way to prepare for these tests though, everyone is different.

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