The BEC exam is totally ridiculous….. - Page 2

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  • #158376

    How many random IT questions can be on one BEC exam? Crazy. I am so disgusted with this section. I used the Becker review and thought it to be very thorough until I was presented with numerous, ridiculous and random IT questions on the actual exam. These topics weren’t mentioned anywhere in the Becker Review. WTF! Any suggestions for IT review?

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  • #237417

    75 CPA I could not agree more…..USE GLEIM. The questions Gleim asks are more difficult than the ones on Becker and you will learn a lot from them. Becker will give you a false sense of security in thinking you are ready for this tests because the questions are too easy. GLEIM questions are the best way to go on any test hands down.

    Created with Compare Ninja


    How much is the Gleim for just BEC? I might have to do this next time,,, I was disappointed with Becker for BEC.. I felt pushed through the book.. and I HATED the guy teaching economics and IT.. he was so scary looking.. and talked like a complete jack***! Don't forget the additional 60 pages that you have to download from BECKER for IT update AND the 20 pages for corrections to correct the jack*** teaching the IT section. I was very disappointed. When I sat for my exam.. it was nothing like the Becker review….. I should mention I could have just gotten a very weird test! I study and the other sections of the exam.. I feel good about… but we'll see…


    Odd. I felt that Becker covered the IT stuff pretty well. I had a couple of random odd-ball questions. In order for something to have covered the random stuff would have taken a book or two just for IT. I read the huge addendum as well but didn't find that it helped on any of the questions I got on the exam. The bulk of my IT questions came from 1. job roles, 2. disaster recovery, 3. wan vs lan, & 4. Private vs Public networks. All of which was covered in the main Becker lectures. The odd ball questions were just random, but none of those were truly hard and were solvable using some basic logic.


    @Mponi, sorry been too busy studying lol. Also worked picked up a bit. Studying for FAR is terrible got through Governmental last night. Now just Non-profits to go then I can finally review… I hope I have enough time. How is ur studying going?

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    My BEC exam had sooo many random IT nonsense. On my last failed report, said IT was one of my comparable topics to passing candidates along with Business Structure and Econ. After the last attempt, I feel like I screwed up all the parts. I felt so prepared for variances after using Yaeger and only had 1 variance question! Oh yeah, I also had like 3-4 SOX questions… WTF!!!! BEC is the exam from hell!


    Dale.. I definitely didn't get the same test you got! I didn't see any recognizeable IT questions from the Becker book or the supplemental that I read. I read everythign in the becker book and am pretty good at memorizing! But the questions I got were just weird! Someone else told me that they had an exam like that for FAR and ended up getting a 92! So maybe I did good.. and they were just really hard testlets ??

    I was just confused when I walked out.. very weird.. but not upset because there was truly nothing else I could have done. Maybe it wasn't Becker's fault.. but I think I might try something else next time just to make sure I got everything covered.. it was weird!


    @Trevor – I hear you!! It literally took me like a week to get through gov't acct. It was terrible. I just finished NFP tonight. I freaked out a little bit because my Yaeger DVD for Module 20 part 2…like the last 10 minutes kept freezing! I was like oh no I did not come all this way to have the DVD freeze up!! lol but my boyfriend suggested cleaning it and that did the trick! So I guess my review starts either tonight or tomorrow…I am hoping 6 days is enough. Inventory scares me..reviewing all this material scares me!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!



    I thought yaeger was really good for gov/NFP. I totally feared those sections and ended up scoring highest on those. Yaeger does a really good job on them. Gary is actually my favorite teacher. I didn't read a single page out of the wiley book for them…just watched the lectures twice, and did the problems. Also, I found Jeff's notes to be EXTREMELY helpful for understanding Governmental accounting. If you don't have them, I would highly recommend them, and really go over the governmental section everyday until your exam.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    @financeguy – thanks! Maybe I will get Jeff's notes for FAR….it couldn't hurt. I just feel overwhelmed with the amount of material and with Yaeger's 40 pages of handouts already…how much reading can I do?! lol I don't read the book either I just star some stuff the instructors say to and then go back and flip through the pages to make sure I didn't miss anything.

    IMO, (I learned that from you lol)…I think Cindy is by far the best. Phil is good, but feels he goes too fast so I have to keep pausing and playing it to write stuff down. Gary is pretty boring and am glad I didn't use Yaeger for AUD (I used Becker, which worked fine for me). I also used Becker for REG, too.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!

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