Test Wed, need some good variance questions from becker/wiley for BEC

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  • #169920

    Test on wednesday, variances are still confusing for me. What are the good ones that will get me comfortable

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  • #341691

    Ok so here’s the mnemonic from Becker, “PURE” and I have modified it a bit:

    P Q P AQ(AP – SP) Price Var and VAR OH SPEND Var

    U P Q SP(AQ- SQ) Usage/Qty Var

    R H R AH(AR – SR) Rate Var

    E R H SR(AH- SH)Efficiency Var and VAR OH EFF Var

    P is Price Variance, and is also Variable OH SPENDING Var. AQ(AP – SP)

    U is Usage/Quantity Variance SP(AQ – SQ)

    R is Rate Variance AH(AR – SR)

    E is Efficiency Variance, also is Variable OH EFF Var.

    SR(AH – SH)

    Notice how the letters carry over into the formula’s. This is the memory trick that I used to remember them– “PURE, QPHR, PQRH”. Lastly “ASAS” to remember the first letter for each successive formula. It is silly, but this helped me a lot. In my opinion, you definately need to work several of these problems as sometimes you have to calculate a number that goes into the formula. There are lots of problems in Wiley BEC book and cpareviewforfree

    AUD 8/04/11: 78
    BEC 1/9/12: 73, 4/04/12: 80
    FAR 10/25/12: 80
    REG 02/25/13: 79
    Ethics 100%
    VA License Issued 3/2013


    Do you have the Becker book? It does a great job explaining the overhead variances. Use the chart. God I hope I passed BEC, as I never want to see those things again.

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010

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