Taking FAR and BEC 3 Days within each other?

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  • #2716614

    I Failed BEC with a 69 and the score report mentioned I was comparable in Econ, Financial Mgmt, and IT, but weaker in COSO and Operations Mgmt/Cost Accounting & Budgeting . I could figure the Cost Accounting one, but not COSO. How do I prepare harder for COSO? The questions seemed fairly straight forward. I went into the Sims with only 1 hour and maybe 35 minutes and the first TBS felt like it took up half the time for the TBS itself and the easy TBS was probably the Pretest. I got to the WC and completely bombed, but oddly, I was comparable there.

    Is it logical to take both FAR and BEC together right after each other (12/7 – FAR & 12/10 – BEC)? I made a study schedule and I can realistically get in between 200-225 hours in between for both of them. If I go into overdrive, 250+. I’m more so asking about taking them back to back rather than taking them both in the same period.

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  • #2717094

    Idk, I personally wouldn't do it. Is there any particular reason why you need to take them that close together? I don't think it's ever super advisable to study for 2 sections at the same time, although there is a bit of overlap with FAR and BEC.

    FAR - PASSED 11/14
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD
    REG - First take 2/16


    If u are an international candidate who has to travel to the usa or dubai to set for the exam then ur motives for taking them so close are justified (coz of the cost), but if u are an American, man u are a madlad 🙂

    Not recommended at all, do not ever underestimate Bec.


    My reasoning is solely to get all 4 sections done before my birthday and before 2020. I feel like I’ve come this far (pun intended) and there’s no reason why I couldn’t take both together if I prepare for both, but I’ve also been known to bite off more than I can chew at times. I don’t see why it would be detrimental other than some sleepless nights, but would like to hear from those who’ve done it or have considered it before.


    I live abroad so I have to go to Guam for my exams. I took FAR and AUD together and it was okay. After I finished studying FAR I continued to do daily FAR MCQs while doing AUD and if I felt I needed a refresher on a topic I rewatched the video over it at 2x speed.

    I agree that if you dont have to travel abroad I wouldnt recommend it but its not some kind of impossible or nightmare feat.

    Im doing REG and BEC now.

    I think each section has at least some overlap with others so there is even some benefit to doing two at once even if its not ideal. Knowing FAR definitely helped be on at least one AUD sim and helped the stuff make sense. I havent started BEC just yet but I could see some benefit from knowing FAR content.


    I mean, it's definitely possible to do. I just personally wouldn't do it because I'd want to kill myself lol. If you'd rather suffer a lot more for a shorter amount of time and (hopefully) get it over with, go for it! If you're going to do it, FAR and BEC would be a good pairing I think.

    FAR - PASSED 11/14
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD
    REG - First take 2/16

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