BEC – October-November 2009 Window - Page 5

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  • #156794

    This thread is for people taking the Business Environment and Concepts section of the CPA Exam in the October/November 2009 window.

    As always, please adhere to the AICPA disclosure guidelines.

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  • #209002

    with wave one coming to a close at the end of the week I just thought I would get the BEC score chatter going.

    scores anticipated to come out in 14 days!!!!!!!!!!!! woooooooo!



    I also took BEC this window. How do you think you did? Did you review with Becker? I scored an 89 on audit and an 80 on FAR. I am a little concerned about my BEC score. I am reviewing for REG right now. Have you taken REG? Waiting for this score is killing me!!


    cc_cpa –

    BEC is my final section; I used Becker for each part. I feel really good about BEC (see above post, lol) and hope I will be finished (see forum screen name :-)).

    My scores (in the order taken): FAR 96, AUD 93, REG 94.

    I found the actual REG exam to be the most difficult (FAR was the worst to prepare for, imo). I thought I really messed up the REG sims….I didn't really know what to do and just guesses my way through parts of each. That being said my score was fine….so all i took out of this was you really have no idea how you've done until you hit refresh for the billionth time and see the results.


    hi all,

    does anyone here have Jeff's ebook and willing to email his one tip on passing BEC? Normally, I wouldn't ask such a thing because I'm not cheap, but BEC is my only section left and it's my 3rd attempt at passing it, so frustrating since I passed every other part on my first attempt. I just switched to Yaeger after using Bisk on my first two attempts, and hoping maybe his Ebook tip on BEC will provide some helpful insight. Please let me know if you're willing to help a fellow CPA'er out. Thanks


    I sent you the BEC info.

    Good luck gman,



    I'm scheduled to take BEC on Thurs for the 5th time! Any last minute study tips that will help me pass this time???


    Has anyone used Gliem materials? I had already passed BEC once, but now I have to retake on Saturday because it expired. My Becker materials have also expired so I studied the book and purchased questions from Gliem. These questions are CRAZY!!!! I would say only about 1/4 of the questions are related to the Becker material. Since I barely passed last time, I am freaking out! Anyone used these materials? I am very concerned – if I fail BEC this time, I have to retake REG and I just can't keep studying. I need a life! Any suggestions?


    Bryanz_babydoll – since your exam is Saturday, my #1 piece of advice for you (since you're looking for another review product) is to call Yaeger and order their online cram video.

    I failed BEC 3x until I got the cram and went from a 71 to an 80.

    I don't know if the “71cram” discount ($5 off) applies to the online version or not, but you can ask them.

    If I were in your shoes – that's what I would do because that's what I did and it worked.

    Good luck,



    Thanks, Jeff, I will try that…I have to pass this time!!!!


    Bryanz_babydoll… I used the Yaeger cram session for BEC. They were really good at explaining things. The questions in the Wiley book they suggest are also great.

    I've used Gleim questions for REG and FAR, but not BEC. Their Publisher questions are really out there as far as the material, but I found it made me at least look at things I hadn't seen before. So don't let the strange questions stress you out. The good thing with Gleim is you can set your study session to only involve areas you're struggling on. Those questions got me a 92 on REG and an 82 on FAR, so I feel like they worked! Hope that helps you some!

    REG(92) - FAR(82) - BEC(84) - AUD(11/23)


    Hello all,

    I'm taking BEC on Monday at 9am. Hopefully my last section, although I don't feel great about REG. Just wondering if anyone that has recently taken BEC has any last minute advice or tips for me.







    What have people experienced as far as time constraints on BEC during this testing window? I was pressed for time with FIN and REG but had plenty of time with AUD. I know its somewhat different for each person depending on their test taking ability and knowledge level but I just finished the two Becker practice exams with 50 minutes to spare. Please respond with whatever you have…I take the exam monday morning at 9am, hopefully my last one!



    I just took BEC on Friday, and did not have any issues with time constraints. I probably only used about 60% of my allotted time.


    How did you think the level of difficulty was compared to the Becker final exams (if that's what you used)?


    I used Becker, and felt the final exams were difficult. I have found that to be the case throughout the other exams. I left feeling good. If you are looking for items to review this weekend, just look over the content specification outline percentages in the front of the book, and start with the higher percentage areas.

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