Taking BEC 1/21/11 and im scared - Page 2

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    BEC is my first one and ive been studying for about 3 weeks so far. Ive gone through all the lectures and once I was done with that, I began reading the book and taking notes as I went on. Ive read BEC 1, 2 and 4 and plan to attack 3 and 5 and leave about 2 weeks of review for myself before the exam… everyone tells me I have a good schedule and I should be fine, but im absolutely freaking out! im having a hard time focusing while at work and ive been performing badly.. I dream about passing/failing my exams EVERY night.. from those who have taken BEC.. please give me something.. something that will tell me if i continue with my current schedule ill be okay.

    Thanks in advance.

    BEC - Passed
    REG - 7/21/2012
    AUD - 8/18/2012
    FAR - 11/10/2012

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  • #319675

    The writing parts are most likely graded by computer. So the key (in my opinion!) is to dump as many keywords as possible in your answers. I kind of know and kind of don't know on two questions I had. I just wrote down lots of big words and terms in my essays. I honestly didn't know what I was writing about. I just kept adding new words with simple sentences until the last minute and added something like “I look forward to….” at the end to make it look nice in case it is going to be graded by humans…guess it works, my reports said my writing is compatible as those who passed…LOL…and English is my second language.


    heres a question I have about the writing parts.. When i sit for the exam.. can i go to the end and do the writing parts before i start the 3 packets? or do I have to do them in order?

    BEC - Passed
    REG - 7/21/2012
    AUD - 8/18/2012
    FAR - 11/10/2012


    No. you have to finish the testlets first. THEN the writing parts.


    oh.. i was hoping id do those because at times ive found myself spending 5-6 minutes on some questions and im worried about running out of time. i dont understand why it matters to them which part we do first..

    BEC - Passed
    REG - 7/21/2012
    AUD - 8/18/2012
    FAR - 11/10/2012


    Do NOT spend 5-6 minutes on a question. One to two minutes then move on.


    well thisll be the fastest 3 hours of my life.

    BEC - Passed
    REG - 7/21/2012
    AUD - 8/18/2012
    FAR - 11/10/2012


    I'm a non-traditional student, who graduated university in the mid 90's. So I went back to school and took accounting courses at community colleges to get my credits. So I was surprised I got straight A's. I was warned that community college courses would not prepare me for the CPA so that scared me too. I got Jeff's NINJA notes and Wiley's online test bank and pounded on the MCQ's until I wanted to puke. Slowly my practice test scores rose from the 60's to the high 80's for FAR and 50's to high 80's for AUD.

    After passing two sections on my first try, now I'm more confident. Studying for BEC now.

    So don't panic, just do MCQ's until you are absolutely sick of them. Pay attention to each question, read them VERY carefully. When you take the study mode, see why the answer is correct and why the others are incorrect. EVENTUALLY, you will start seeing what the tricks are in the MCQ's and then you'll be able to see right through them. You'll see that 3 answers have something in common that the 4th doesn't and that 4th one is the correct answer (even if you're not sure of it)

    So don't panic. Listen to Roger's videos on youtube. He put a couple of BEC videos and he can be motivational.



    Don't forget about the BEC updates:) Consider this BEC 6 (assuming you have Becker 2011 like me and this isn't in the reading).

    @CPA-Convertible – I implemented the same study technique when I took audit. The effects were exponential. I also read the last five pages from my last study session as my first five pages of a new session. On my second read-through of BEC 1 right now.

    Created with Compare Ninja

    REG 80 2/7/11
    FAR 91 10/8/11
    AUD 97 11/22/11
    BEC 96 2/4/12

    CPA 3/15/13


    @Justinnnn, thanks for posting that link. I didn't go over any of that :/ Back to being nervous again. I'll have to read through that material tonight

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58

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