Studying New Year's Eve….

  • Creator
  • #157063

    So….as I sit studying my material for BEC and AUD I have now gotten 4 calls for new years eve parties….and I get to say “Sorry man i gotta study for the CPA Exam, I take it Saturday.”

    I know all the sacrafice will be worth it one day but man is it tempting!

    AUD - 49, 72, 79(1/2/2010)
    REG - 77(11/21/09)
    FAR - 63, 80(10/28/2010)
    BEC - 54,72, 77(11/28/2010)

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  • Author
  • #212830


    I put in a little time tonight on REG, Good Luck on AUD on Saturday.



    I studied all day yesterday and will study all day today for my FAR next Tuesday so you are not the only one missing all the fun this holiday.

    The good news is that my in-laws are here with their 2 crazy boys and their huge, hairy, hyper dog terrorizing my kids and destroying my house while I am away at a quiet place studying. The adults will be watching football all day and playing the wii. Of course they will be good and drunk by the time I get back and expect me to cook a nice dinner for them. After all, I have only been studying for something that I will “easily pass”.

    Good luck tomorrow with AUD!


    Thanks for the support! Good luck on your sections too! Hopefully next year at this time I will be toasting with friends and family “Happy New Year!” and follow that with “oh and by the way I am a CPA…” lol

    AUD - 49, 72, 79(1/2/2010)
    REG - 77(11/21/09)
    FAR - 63, 80(10/28/2010)
    BEC - 54,72, 77(11/28/2010)


    I did the same thing. I am set to take FAR on Saturday. It was just the most logical day since I knew I would be off work to study all day on New Years Day.

    I had a few invites to go out, and it was really hard to turn them down. But I just kept telling myself “a few months from now, if I get a passing score on FAR, I wont even remember what I was doing on New Years Eve”. It also helped that I convinced myself that it wasnt worth sacrificing the month+ I had already spent studying to lose focus and fail for one night of fun.

    Good luck to ya tomorrow…..were both gonna be in the same boat.

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