Study Burnout

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  • #156950

    My BEC exam is tomorrow. I’m going over one more final tonight, and I feel “dumber” than I did yesterday. I think I’ve reached saturation point, even though I hate to not study since I feel that I may get enough to answer one or two more right, which could be the difference between passing and failing.

    I'll Pass Eventually
    REG (67, 66), BEC (79), FAR (5/26/10), AUD (August 2010)

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  • #209375


    My advise: Try looking at your outlines or even table of contents and just making sure you know the basics regarding each subject, if you don't know the topic just give the hazy area a quick glance.

    In my experience, a general review the day of or before the exam is priceless because there are many questions that will be much simpler than the your homework questions. (I've used Beckers, Wiley, and Gliem). I personally used the text from Becker's Final Review Text to help me do this for BEC ( but even those free outlines available on scribd will do the trick).

    This technique helped me pass w/ a 76 the first time .

    Good Luck and remember “and this to ‘I' shall pass”



    I agree on the high level review approach. My experience has also been to get a good night's sleep. Personally, a sharp and rested brain will help my score more (by avoiding stupid mistakes) than a last night cram will. Good luck.

    FAR 76, REG 86, BEC 83, AUD 86
    Accountant Wilmington NC


    Thanks. I have and had no intention of studying late. In fact, I think I'm stopping soon (it's 6:30 my time now), and literally watching a movie or 2 and resting my brain. I think I'm overstressed, which is making me do worse on the exams.

    I'll Pass Eventually
    REG (67, 66), BEC (79), FAR (5/26/10), AUD (August 2010)


    I feel the same. I am writing REG @ 7:30 am and the Becker final exam is depressing! I think i should watch a movie or something arrrrrrrgh


    Good luck all, I took REG today and wasn't too bad. I hoped that I passed………


    I'm really burned out on studying too. Hopefully I will have to do no more of it…….until I get a score stating the contrary, I am DONE as of 10:45 this morning……

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