Retaking BEC in about 2 weeks

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  • #2911302

    So I am about to take BEC for the 2nd time (Feb 18th). I took it in Q3 in 2019 and got a 74. Tried to take it again in Q4 but life got in the way and ran out of time. I read all of the Becker modules (no videos, feel like reading helped me remember more) and the notes that I used for the first time. My notes were basically anything underlined in the modules I wrote down, went with the strategy “If you write it you will remember it.” My plan is to finish B6 by tomorrow, take a mock this Sunday, do the final review course by Friday, take a 2nd Mock the following Sunday and the final week before I take the actual exam hammer MCQ’s and my notes in the areas I feel I struggle the most. Is this a good plan? Any other advice? I feel super nervous because I felt I did my best preparing the first time and still fell short. The big difference was this time I am doing 2 mock exams and the last time it was suggested to me no to do the mock exams because they just hurt moral but I really would like the fresh MCQ’s and SIMS.

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  • #2913111

    Looks like a good plan. I took 2 mock exams for each section I sat for. Each time I took 1 mock exam immediately after finishing all of the chapters/lessons (Wiley) and then 1 mock exam the day before the actual exam. That worked well for me, along with of course hammering those MCQs.

    Biff Tannen

    Review IT and COSO heavily and you should be good for exam day


    Thank you @BiffTannen and @Mikey for the responses. Just feel super nervous. Any advice on how to deal with nerves? I try to tell myself that the world won't end if I have to retake it again to put my life in perspective because the anxiety is really bad at times.


    Sounds like you got this. Like the other poster mentioned IT and COSO are big topics along with Econ and variances. The AICPA blue print is accurate so just master those topics. Good luck!


    @Joey It's good to have perspective. This is temporary, try to remember that. That really helped me along the way. The stress and anxiety can get to you at times, but try to stay positive and remember that this will pass, and trust me, when you get there you will tell yourself it was completely worth it. Put in the study time and keep a positive mindset always. Try to do some relaxing activities the day/night before. If you can manage to leave a little early from work, go get some dinner, etc. that really helped for me, to try and especially do some relaxing activities the night before. In my opinion, do not spend the night before the exam doing a ton of studying. It's like one professor in Wiley puts it, it's like a marathon. Your brain is a muscle too. You can't spend the night before a marathon running 10 miles and then expect to be on top of your game the next day. Other than that, like I said, stay positive. You've got this!


    I just found out I failed with a 74, so upset because I feel like I studied a lot. My exam was very heavily focused on the capital budgeting and cost accounting. The IT questions I got weren’t so hard.. but you never know! I would focus on more on those topics

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