Recommendations for the last 37 or so hours of studying?

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  • #161280

    I’ve been studying with Becker and using the NINJA notes, as well as a little cpareviewforfree. I’ve listened to all of the lectures (worked some but not all of the MCQs), I’ve been taking Simulated Exams in Becker, went through the Becker book and took my own notes for MOST of the sections, and have been working on re-writing the NINJA notes. On the Simulated Exams I’ve been very consistently scoring 68-76 (jumping up and down). On the CPAReviewforfree tests I’ve finished in the 75-80% range. Overall, B3 (Financial Management) has definitely been my consistent weak area.

    I plan on finishing re-writing my NINJA notes, but how would you recommend I focus my studying tomorrow in order? Should I just crank through a bunch of MCQs from B3? I tend to be a fast test taker and I know that I need to just slow down and really logic my way through those questions.

    I have definitely done more prep for this section than I did for any of the others, I’m just hoping that it pays off…

    So, any suggestions on how YOU would focus your last day of studying given the information above?

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  • #292574

    You got solid scores for other 3 sections so obviously you're doing something right. Just stick with what worked for you and beat the heck out of BEC. GL!

    AUD - 83 Feb11
    REG - 75 May11
    BEC - 73 July11 84 Oct11
    FAR - 63 Aug11 76 Feb12 I'M DONE!!!!!


    Well, let's hope that what I'm doing continues to pay off. For the other sections, I didn't do nearly this much prep… Although today's simulated exam score was the highest I've gotten so far. Tonight I plan on review the last few topics that I know I'm weak on, reviewing Becker's Written Simulation Tutorial again, and then continuing to work MCQ on B3 and B5 (weakest areas after today's review/sim exam).

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